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Error loading sequence


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I was working on a sequence earlier today.  I saved the sequence and closed my laptop, but the battery died when I opened it back up.  When I went to open the sequence up in the sequence editor, it gives me the following error:  Error Loading Sequence & Invalid Document Structure.  Any ideas?

LOR version 3.12.4


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I don't have a good answer on what happened, but I will offer this suggestion to prevent most of the impact from the problem should it ever happen again (or a multitude of other possible issues).  Save your sequence WITH A NEW FILENAME every few minutes.  That way, if a file gets deleted, corrupted, or you don't like the way some edit turned out, you can easily go back to a previous version.  Include the date and either a revision letter or the time when you saved it.  That way you can tell for sure when it was saved.  For example:

Joy to the world 2017-10-31a    or

Joy to the world 2017-10-31 1611

The first one is the first save of the day, and the second was saved at 1611 (or 4:11 PM for those that can't understand 24 hour time).  BTW, I highly recommend the Year-Month-Day format as shown above because it will make filename sorts come out right.  Normally what I do is to delete the intermediate copies after I know I'm happy with the end of a sequencing session version, and that the file is good.  I also upload the file to Google Drive for off-site backup.


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I have got that error before when I went to the recent sequence section in the sequence editor to open a file. When that happens I just look for the file in the existing sequence section  and open  the sequence wherever I might have it stored. I then go back to the recent sequence section and remove the bad link from the list so it does not happen again.


Edited by TBS99
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Thank you for the info.  I was still unable to recover the file so I had to reaccomplish the sequence.  


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