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Pixcon16 channel config help needed


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So I switched to a all Pixel show this year.  I have 8 Pixcon16 controllers.  I have the Props built and showing in the visualizer.  I can not figure out how to set the channel configuration up.  I have looked and cant find how to set them up.  I am using S5 bata version and love it but there is very little info out there.    Please help.  Im trying to get the show running this weekend for Halloween. 

Thanks Rob


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You said you set up the show in Visualizer and you're using S5.  I want to clarify what you mean since Visualizer no longer exists in S5.  Did you really set up your channels in the S4 Visualizer and import that into a S5 Preview, or do you really mean that you set it up in the S5 Preview Editor?  How we help you will differ greatly depending on that answer.  And which beta version are you using (and don't answer that "the latest")?

BTW, my show is almost all pixels as well.  There are 36 channels of dumb RGB and 13 single channels to go along with over five thousand channels of pixels.


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28 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

You said you set up the show in Visualizer and you're using S5.  I want to clarify what you mean since Visualizer no longer exists in S5.  Did you really set up your channels in the S4 Visualizer and import that into a S5 Preview, or do you really mean that you set it up in the S5 Preview Editor?  How we help you will differ greatly depending on that answer.  And which beta version are you using (and don't answer that "the latest")?

BTW, my show is almost all pixels as well.  There are 36 channels of dumb RGB and 13 single channels to go along with over five thousand channels of pixels.


Sorry the preview screen.  I am using LOR S5 5.0.10  All was built using this version of the software.  As I said this is a all new show this year.  Been using LOR for 6 years but it was all Dumb RGB and single color LEDS . 




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It's helpful to think backwards through your setup. You mentioned you have 8 PixCons. Figure out which props are connected to each PixCon, then decide how you want to assign each output to a universe / unit ID.

When you've decided "on paper" how to address each controller, you need to go in the Network Preferences to assign an IP address and universes (Or Unit ID) to each PixCon.

Before we go any further, let me suggest this: Because you're using PixCons, those can run on an enhanced LOR network or E1.31 (over a local network / IP). This will make a difference in how the computer talks to the controller, and setup looks different. Let us know ow how you intend to control them and we can proceed with setup help.

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OK I have them all showing up and I have selected E1.31 DMX I have the IP addresses in and the universes assigned.  now when I play it all that is playing outside is the first 16 Universes.  I see everything else on the preview screen.  Is there a jumper I need to move on the boards to allow more universes to play?   Im so frustrated and confused      Rob




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Sounds like you haven't mapped each board's individual ports.  (If you've done this, help us understand how you've mapped them; this is a common issue). You mention that some lights are receiving data; others are not.  The Preview Screen is NOT a direct output of your setup; you'll always see everything on your preview screen regardless of what is connected.  

While you've told the computer that you're using DMX universes 1-32 (or whatever you have) and that it should transmit them via E1.31 as you've setup correctly in Network Preferences, you need to tell your controllers which universes they should each accept and where to route them.  If you go into the PixCon16 Manual, head to page 19 for "Pixel Port Setup".  By default, I believe each board is set to receive Universe 1-16.  On the PixCon Configuration (still within Network Preferences), head to "Pixel Port Setup" and start "mapping" out your channels across each device. Depending on your setup, you could either use the Simple Configuration or the Advanced if you are packing your pixels pretty tightly. You need to make sure that you have every universe accounted for on the controller side (you already have it done on the computer side).  

See if this helps.  If not, continue back here and we'll try to keep getting you off the ground!

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I figured it out I had the set up wrong.  its all working now.  Just finished running a test.   Now my wife can finish programing for Halloween and Christmas.   

Thanks for the help.   



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