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Unit ID won't change


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Having an issue with my new Pixie2D ver3 controllers. I used the hardware utility to change the ID's on two controllers (changed to 7 and 9) and for some reason they keep going back to one whenever I have to unplug my HS485 connector from my computer. Using a desktop to sequence songss and move to laptop while running my actual show. Would love some input on as to why this keeps happening. Haven't run into it in the past and after the third time it's getting rather aggravating. Not a major deal with pixels not being on house yet but once I put them on my roof line it won't be so easy to change the IDs. Any help?



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How are you changing the ID?

Ensure you have only that controller connected. In the HU to change the Unit ID, use the drop down menu under Old Unit ID to select Any Unit (since there is only one controller connected, this is OK to do.) Use the New Unit ID drop down menu to select a Unit ID for this Color Bulb controller. Then click the Change Unit ID button. If you have set the Max Unit ID to a number lower that the ID you want for your Color Bulb, increase it so you can select the Unit ID you want.

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are there DIP switches inside the unit set to factory default unit 1?  i.e. DIP switch number 8?  


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Hey Crimson,

There are indeed 8 DIP switches. All are in the same position with the exception of number 8. Should they all line up? Is this the problem? I can send a pic if it helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

No picture needed I have the same thing.  I just got mine at the summer sale and it arrived not long ago.  There was a book that came with mine and it explained inside about the dip switches.  My DIP 8 was on ID1.  I changed it to line up with the rest of the DIPs.  I can use my Hardware Utility to change or set the ID to anything I want.  It stays at the ID I set.  Does not go back to one.  It wont hurt anything to try it!  Also, It is hard to understand all the language that comes with the new CCB-II especially if your software is 4.3.12 or less.  I am currently running my new CCB-II set with the same ID as a CCB from last year so I do not have to add it to every sequence.  Works fine. 


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