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pixel mickey mouse

kelly jett

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I hope I put this in the correct forum


ok guys...I need some direction.  

I have a roughly 12 ft pvc made in to the shape of mickey mouse.  the 3 circle shape.

my question is    I can create circles in pe but was wondering how do I do it with three connected circles.   i'm using 3 strings to make the shape but was wondering how to set it

up in the system as a single model.  I want to basic chases and fades but also would like to fade or chase from left to right and up and down.  making it work together is where I'm having

the confusion. i'm using the strings connected together and following the pattern of the pvc.  so its a single string in the 3 circle shape


any direction from the experts would be greatly appreciated. 


thanks guys

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What I have done in the past to create my house outline with sweeps is to draw them in as individual pixels and then use the Group lights using the "Use Preview" to create a single prop to generate sweeps and such.



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