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D-light and LOR controller mixed

minnesota bob

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I currently have D-light controllers and LOR software. I like the LOR software a lot better than the D-light software and I am thinking about expanding my show. It took a lot of work to get the D-light to work with the LOR software and I am still not really happy with the D-Light controllers. I would like to switch it all over to LOR but I have too much into it to just throw out the D-light controllers. Can I use the four D-light 16 channel controllers and add 4 new LOR controllers and run them together or can I only use one type or the other. The question is basically focused on the setup of the two. D-light needs their utility and LOR uses its utilities.

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Have never used d-light but it has been discussed several times. Yes, you can mix the two.

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A quick search revealed nothing. I did find a few posts on PC. Check out the d-light forum.

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I have both working fine together. You just have to use the D-light Hardware Utility to set-up the d-light controller and give it the unique ID. Same rule applies when using cat5 to the first controller from PC or controlling unit, and then your choice of either phone or cat5 wire to the rest of the controller in a daisy wheel fashion.

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Thanks for the input. I will get a few LOR controllers and try it out. I may be back looking for answers to questions yet to be revealed but I have a confirmation it will work and that is what I was looking for. I will also check the D-Light forum.

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I have used both for two years now.

I word of caution. Do not use the LOR hardware utility with DL and vise versa. You will get weird results. So if you have both daisy chained together, separate the two types before running either hardware utility.

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