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Multiple channel configurations??

Paul B. Anderson

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Is it possible to export and save more than 1 configuration, or will it be overwritten if you attampt to save a 2nd one? For example, in a halloween display you'll have channels set up for those lights and effects, wouldn't be the same for a Christmas display. So it would be cool if when starting a new sequence and you import channel config., it would give you a drop-down box to choose the config. that you exported/named previously.

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Yes, you can save multiple configurations. When you export, you name it. When you import, you can choose.

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Based on my own blunders, I'll add a caution or two to Iresq's reply... If you're using tracks, make sure that they're in the same order as the ones in the configuration you're importing. Likewise, beware if you've added more channels since that older configuration was changed. (Although the animation of a scrambled sequence can be quite entertaining...) And if you do find your active sequence scrambled after importing a saved configuration, close it immediately without saving ANY changes.

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Glad to hear I can have separate channel configs for differennt set-ups. I've been holding off on exporting another channel config for fear it would overwrite the previous one.

Also- good advice for the track config, George.


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