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SS exporting to SE


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When I export from SS to my SE layout, it seems to cause a delay ( slow down timing by about 1.5 seconds) in my SE sequence.  I use the method of cut and paste.  I complete my SS, then I export it to SE using the paste by timing, then I open both the SS Sequence and the SE sequence and cut and paste.   Any ideas as to why my original sequence changes when I past the SS into my sequence?

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What version of the software are you running? Is it 1.5 seconds out of sync from the beginning? Does it get more out of sync later on, or does it consistently stay 1.5 seconds out of sync the whole song?

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I am using 4.3.24  and yes it starts off ok, then gradually gets more out of sync to about 1.5-2 seconds off.  When I go back and use my original sequence without adding the new device (Pixie16) it is fine, it only occurs after I add the new device pixie16..

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It sounds like it could be "lag". First thing to check is to launch the sequence editor, select Preferences, then Network Preferences and check the network speed for the network that the Pixie 16 is on. Make sure it is set to 500k. 

If the network speed is already set to 500k, try  exporting as "Intensity Data"? When exporting the data from superstar select "export as intensity data". The "intensity data" will show up as a blue row at the bottom of the sequence editor. When playing "intensity data" you will need to have the "blue lightbulb" in the lower right of the computer screen running. Also you will need to go into "network preferences" in the sequence editor and set the network to be "enhanced"

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If I change to 500.  I need to make sure all my controllers are G3, which I believe my older ones are not.  How do I upgrade firmware or can I with older controllers


The intensity option requires a pro lic, and I only have an Adv. license, does this mean I need to upgrade lic?


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If you have older controllers that are not G3 they will not run at 500k even with updated firmware.

The best solution is to run 2 networks. You can put all your 16 channel controllers on one network and run it at 56k or 115k. Then put all your pixel controllers on another network and run it at 500k.

In order to run two networks you will need two USB485 adapters. If you only have one, you will need to order another one.

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If I upgrade my license will that work.  Or if I change to 115k will that make a difference and do not have to worry about G3

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Upgrading your license will make no difference. Increasing to 115k will make a big difference, because it is more than twice as fast as 56k. If you do not have fast effects that change colors on many pixels then 115k will probably work fine. But I expect there will still be some cases where the effects lag.

But I do believe it would be well worth the cost of a 485 adapter to go to two networks and then you can run the pixie controller at 500k.

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I do have two 485 adapters, never used two networks, so that will be a learning curve.  I will probably upgrade to Pro anyway, just to have the intensity option.  I have always purchased the top software from LOR. 

SO if I export using intensity, will it fix my lag and change to 115K

If I change to 115K will that work with my older controllers V1.02, V1.2 (wow lights) & CB100D Dmx),  V3.01 (CTB16Cg3), V.4.00

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Using intensity data should help some, but running at 500k will help more. 500k is more than 4 times faster than 115k.

There is a video tutorial on setting up multiple networks. The video is old and the user interface on the software has changed a bit since the video tutorial was done, but it should still give you the necessary information on how to setup two networks. Go to the lightorama website, click on Support then click on "Tutorials / PDFs". The superstar tutorials are near the bottom. Look for one about setting up multiple networks.

If you need further help send an email to brian@superstarlights.com and we can setup a time for me to remote into your computer.

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There are several things that help with network congestion.  Obviously, going to a higher speed will help.  If only some of your controllers can handle 500K speed, running two networks will help as you can run one network for controllers that only work at the older speeds and another for faster speeds.  Even if none of your devices can run 500K speed, simply splitting the load between two networks will help.  If you can use enhanced networking, that will also help.  Although LOR has never (that I'm aware of) explained what is different, they have said that it will improve data throughput.  Enhanced networking does require a Pro level license.  BTW, I'm pretty sure I know what the difference is between enhanced and non-enhanced networking.

Going to intensity files will likely not help with network congestion issues, but it DOES help with CPU loading on your show computer.


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