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Light-O-Rama Forums

CSA Approval


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I think this is a question for Dan and his crew but, I was just wondering if any of the Light-O-Rama products will be CSA or ULC approved. I tried to suede my company into using LOR a year ago and they said because it didn't have CSA they couldn't use it.

They looked into paying to have them approved and it looked as though it was only going to cost $200 to have it done but, they never did it. Seems like a small price to pay to have a display that would draw more visitors in.

Does Light-O-Rama have any plans for the future for that....


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We do not have any plans (at least for this year) to certify for use outside the US. If it only cost $200 we would do it in a heart beat however the quotes we got were 30 - 50 times that much. If you can let us know of a lab that will do it for a reasonable cost please send an email to dan@lightorama.com or send me a PM and we will get it certified.


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