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New Kit Checks


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I finally got the controllers assembled, and was doing some assigning and testing before putting them away.

I don't recall twinkle being an issue testing in the HE before, but tonight, it was really acting funny. On every controller there was at least one if not 2 or 3 channels where sometimes it would behave like it should, at others, I had to coax it to twinkle. When it misbehaved, the channel would stay on and flash every so often. I found that if this happened, MOST of the time, it would act like twinkle if I selected that after a Fade Down, not always though. I figure this just has to be something with the HE, and hopefully not the boards.


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Hi Mark,

The twinkle that you see does not have anything to do with the board or the Hardware Utility. It is an issue with the firmware and can happen on any of the 16 channel LOR controllers. It turns out that the twinkle is sensitive to the exact speed of the oscillator compared to the exact speed of the 60Hz AC at your home. The net result is that certain combinations cause a couple of the channels to twinkle too slow or too fast or to not seem to twinkle at all because the twinkle is so very slow.

We will make a version of firmware that does not have this "sensitivity".


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Dan, thanks for the info. For the sake of testing, I was not worried. There is a firmware upgrade coming that has been mentioned. Will the update you mentioned be included in that or some other one down the road?

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