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LOR software suggestion

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So far I recently downloaded your software demo and I thought it would be great to have a walkthrough or a tutorial of some sort. It would really help newbies like me. The help file hepled but it took alot of experimenting to understand it all. An idea would be to have an animation pre-setup and have people try to do certain things with it. For example: have a light fade up, twinkle, and then fade out. Just a suggestion

Ian Ferralli

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Another thing I think would be very helpful is to have the waveform of the audio file displayed above the timing bar. That would be very helpful in placing visual elements *EXACTLY* where the related musical elements are.

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One thing is for sure. Light O Rama is going to make a TON of money this year. And so I'd expect that they'll definitely put some time into some software upgrades. So keep the ideas coming because there's a pretty good chance they will be implimented.

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Remember with a ton of money comes a ton of expenses, taxes, payroll, workers comp, SS matching, insurance (in case we fry ourselves and wives sue) and on and on and on. Don't forget he lives in one of the highest tax state around. Moved to FL Dan. No income tax, no corp. tax to pay, and you get great breaks on capital gains. Plus you can have all the hurricanes you can handle.:laughing:

Oh and don't forget idiots like me who call him in sheer panic mode!

I thought an alarm would be kinda cool. If someone tried to snag one when you were asleep an alarm would sound from your computer. You know they cut the CAT% or phone line type thing. Or if it is wireless a mount switch that would trip alarm if electric was unhooked.

And while your at it Dan I would like a steak some eggs and hash browns. Since we think you can do everything else.:laughing:

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Robin wrote:

I thought an alarm would be kinda cool. If someone tried to snag one when you were asleep an alarm would sound from your computer. You know they cut the CAT% or phone line type thing. Or if it is wireless a mount switch that would trip alarm if electric was unhooked.


Scroll to the bottom. A portable 100db motion sensor alarm. Now that you've mentioned it, I might get these for my boxes and find a way to attach them as permanently as possible.

Can you imagine someone running down the street with a LightoRama box, with a siren going off at 100db? :laughing:

Have there been any documented cases of LOR boxes walking off yet? I've heard display elements going away, or getting trashed.. but not LOR boxes... yet....
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Becky_Racioppo wrote:

One thing that would have really helped me is a trouble shooter to the help section. May have saved me from posting some stupid questions.... or not lol.
I agree and we will have one next year. We really need to improve our documentation / training and help....
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Dslowit I like the bugs. That is what the company I own does. Pest Control baby! Keep those bugs a flying.

It is great here we pay someone to install irrigation, pay for water, pay for fertilizer, pay to cut the grass, and pay to kill the bugs. What a great country we live in. I love it.

That's it Dan you need a debugger program!!!:laughing:

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It could be worse. Here in the north we do all that in the summer and then in the winter we pay somebody to shovel the snow, pay to buy salt for the sidewalks...


Scott Hardin
Columbus, IN

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This is my first swim through LOR so someone can correct me if this is already possible.

Would/is it possible to assign events to a single channel, or group of channels only, instead of the entire setup?

I'll go through and tap out a rythym & assign animation to it. I'll then go back and tap out a different rythym in the same part of the song to apply animation to a different set, but when I overlap my events, it cuts my previous assignments in pieces. I have to go back and reapply the animation. That, and it makes it difficult to see the exact events on the newly tapped rythym because previous events are mixed in.

I'm making it work, but just wondered if I was doing something wrong, there was a work around, or if it was something that could be done on future releases.

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There is no way today to assign an event to a particular channel. Here is the way I do it.

I create a musical sequence with an event every 1/20th to 1/50th of a second. And I create a few dummy channels that will not be used for controller but will be used to save the ON events that are created when I tap...

Once created I do the tap and have it do a "briefly on" for each time I tap. When done I assign those "taps" to one of the dummy channels. I put enough dummy channels to make sure I see one of them where ever I am in the sequence.

That way I can have a dummy channel called Main Beat and another called Melody....

I can cut and paste from those channels to others and I duplicate them with a cut and paste.

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Even better would be a mode in which the Sequence Editor would act as an equalizer....Assigining different channels for different frequencies. Play the song...let the "equalizer" figure out the "taps" based on what frequencies are being presented at any given time. Would DEFINATELY speed up production of shows.


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