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16 channel controller question.


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Does anyone know what will happen if I were to create a sequence where some of my lights would come on about an hour before the show starts is it will harm the controller to run the light continuously for that hour long time frame. my light are all led and I am referring to the standard lor 16 channel controller.

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I only run my "show" for one night a week. The other six days, I run with lights on continously...after six years, I have had no issues, so you should be fine having lights on for an hour or two continuously.

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I agree with Oliver, there is no issue running lights continuously on LOR 16 channel controllers. I've done it (16 hours at a time) for years with no issue.


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First go to show editor and create a show with the musical sequences you want to run from 5:30 to 10:00  then create another show with a animation sequence with all lights on, now go to schedule editor and schedule your music show to run from 5:30 to 10:00 pm   now schedule your animation show to run from 10:05 till whenever you what it to run.

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I think I know what you are asking, I had to figure this out myself, there may be other ways of doing this.

I run 3 shows.

1st- I run my musical show from 4:30 to 9:00 P.M.

2nd- I have a lights on animation show from 9:00 to 11:30P.M.( static show).  All this is, is an animation, one minute sequence that repetes itself. Make sure if you do this, you uncheck the lights off tab in the show editor, if not you will see it at the end of each minute.

3rd- I have a lights off sequence.(11:30 to 11:31P.M.) This is to turn the lights off, this is just a one minute, empty sequence to turn off the lights. You need to do this because the lights off tab was unchecked in the 2nd show. Make sure the lights off tab is checked in this show.

Set up all 3 shows in the schedule editor, this is the way I found to do this, I am sure there is other ways to make this happen.


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I agree no problem at all. I have an American flag that I do in lights on my roof. 1 hour before my show starts I have another "show" that is just the flag, and some ground stuff and my "show time" sign spotlight. Then that show ends and my actual show begins. When that show ends, I leave just the flag up for another hour and then everything is off.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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