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911 - E1.31 + LOR S4 not playing nice


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Added a Holiday Coro Alpha Pix 4 to my show this year and having some issues.  Upgraded to S4 Pro and using Pixel Editor for all RGB sequencing.  From within LOR PE and CP active, my RGB and the AlphaPix control outputs without issue.  When I try to run the same sequence from SE and ensuring the intensity data is present, my LOR controllers will work fine as always, but the E1.31 output does not work.  I have checked most of the items I have seen on these boards, but can't seam to find the cause.  I am certain I am over looking something easy.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Show starts in 3 days.

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At the risk of sounding dumb.  How do I start comm listener without starting show player?  Sequence editor will not run with LOR control panel running

Of course it will, you can't have shows enabled and it play lights from SE. Launch control panel, disable shows and then launch SE

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Sequence Editor  needs the comm listener and hence the Control Panel running to run lights for E1.31.

Comm listener runs when Control panel runs. 

Show player needs CP and Comm Listener to control lights as well, it does not start it.

What color is the light bulb in the sys tray.

Blue means schedule is enabled. Sequence Editor will not control lights.

Red means schedule is disabled, SE will control lights.

Orange means show on demand is running and SE will not control lights.

Also Hardware utility must be closed.


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