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Sequences help Singing Pumpkin

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Hello,  This is my first year for Halloween, I am excited to see all the examples of great LOR effects that are possible, especially the singing pumpkin.  I have made one and With all the experience out there, I was wondering is anyone would share a few sequences that I have seen:

For use with Signing face (either pumpkin or skull) using 8 channels

"What does the Fox say" our High School mascot is the Fox ( I realize that there are other faces that sign along with this song)


Rocky horror Picture show "Time Warp"

Ghost busters - going to use green rope lights to make a Slimer (the kids favorite character)

We are working on a sequence using the opening theme to "Stranger Things" cool music.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


e mail me   retired_old_sarge@yahoo.com as there


I did a dancing skeleton, singing pumpkin accompanied by a little ghost. They did Thriller, Grim Grinning Ghosts and Monster Mash. I have a ghostbusters sequence but I don't remember doing it so it might not be my work.


I believe Fox, Triller and Ghostbusters on on holidaycoro.com site as either single pumpkin or 4 face sequences...$8 or so.

For a single face, you do want to concentrate on songs that have a significant lead singer, sign you would be missing out on background singer actions.


Thanks for all you insight.  I was able to download and pay for the sequences from HolidayCoro.  It is nice that they allow to edit the sequence.  The only "What does the fox say" that I could find was for 57 channels.  I may just end up playing the song and design my own sequence.  Not much time though only 3 weeks left till HALLOWEEN!!!  then on to Christmas, LOL!!!

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