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Channel configuration template

Chris B

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   I have a saved channel configuration template saved from last year. This year I will be adding a bunch of channels but for some reason cant figure out how to get the template to open so I can modify it. Its definitely in my documents under light o rama, sequences. But when I try to open it its not there. It is a lcc file type and I don't see anywhere to change file types to "find" this file. Thanks for any and all help!    Chris

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Open a new sequence add whatever channels to that sequence doesn't matter. Then import your channel config modify then export to save

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Open one of last years sequences. Add your new channels to the bottom. Then export the channel file.


That new guy sure is fast....

Edited by Mega Arch
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28 minutes ago, Mega Arch said:

Open one of last years sequences. Add your new channels to the bottom. Then export the channel file.


Daniel's method as he mentioned works well because you keep the original setup from previous years and add to it. I've been doing this hobby for over 10 years with LOR and expanding/changing every year. By importing or opening the previous years channel config and then adding new channels, it keeps previous configs in place and helps establish a pattern and flow. This also keeps the pattern/flow constant which helps when developing a habit with sequencing. Not saying the new guys input doesn't work well, as it does work. It's a preference thing more than anything.

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Thanks guys, to maybe take it one step farther.... last year I had 3 pixel trees, each 12 strands, 150 pixels. I want to expand to 16 strands, 150 pixels each. It looks as though a lot of readdressing will need to be done. Thoughts on that? Thanks again!    Chris

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I haven't dug in on pixel strands as of yet but I know someone here with more experience on that will chime in. But if I'm a betting man, it might be possible to add those 4 additional strands where needed within the channel config. So where you have 12 strands, add 4 more to make 16 strands. This should keep the strands together per pixel tree. Seems easy enough if it's that simple. Hope I'm not too far off base here. Bueller... Bueller... Bueller...

Edited by Santas Helper
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If you want to keep your channels in order unfortunately yes a lot of redoing. Or you could just add the new strands in on the end NOT EASY TO KEEP TRACK OF. As long as whatever you use pixel editor or superstar knows what outputs they map to it should work. Also. SAVEAS is your friend. If you screw something up you can always go back to your previous mapping.

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Adding additional strings (or channels) to an previous years configuration is't generally hard, as long as you are NOT changing previously used channels if there are a lot of them. If you are use to using only one track (track 1) just make an additional track for your sequencing and leave the master track in the progressive order, but Tracks REALLY make things easier.

Best practice is NOT to use your master track (track1) for programming, Use other tracks for your actual programming.  This way as you add new channels or devices to your master track to the bottom of the track. This way you to can always use your previous layout (import layout or use existing layout) without issue. The layout will eventually not be in numerical order but will be in progressive order.

For DMX:  If you want to add a bunch of channels in the same universe to some existing channels and want to use the auto numbering,  

Add an additional device (with the same universe as the existing universe to be appended), add enough additional channels (or pixels up to 512) to accommodate the existing channels and the new ones.  Then make a group out of the new channels used that are duplicates, then delete the group,  Make a group of the channels above those you will be using and delete that group. MUSH easier than manually adjusting the channel assignments one at a time).  Also works well for any universe you are using that will not start with channel (circuit) 1.

Be aware that importing configurations does not work well with GROUPS, you may need to un-group before doing any configuration import.   In years past you could just add enough empty channels to the top of a configuration before importing to accommodate your old confederation then delete the duplicate channels (3.X and earlier).

Edited by jerrymac
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