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I want to run my 800 pixel CCP tree in dmx mode next year.  I know I need the crossover/adapter cable and run it from a e131 to dmx bridge however I can't quite figure out the addressing part of it and how to set it up in the hardware utility.  I've had some limited success with testing with 1 controllers (2 ids)  but I can't quite get it to work correctly.  Does the 2nd id need to be set to 151 (0x97)? I have 8 CCP controllers and I can't figure out how to get them addressed correctly.  Has anyone had any luck with this?  Is it possible or should I just start over with an e131 controller and new pixels?




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I am not sure but I think you will have to disable the macro channels on the controller in the hardware configuration. I will be doing the same thing as you with some of my ccp's and it seems i read that the above must be done for it to work correctly.

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Yep, I've done that.  Let me know if you get it working correctly I'd be interested to know how you did it.  It seems like it's more trouble than it's worth so I think I'm going to sell my CCP's.

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It's actually quite easy to run our stuff in DMX.


First, please don't call it a crossover cable.  That has a completely different meaning, and leads people to believe the can use an Ethernet crossover cable.  That is NOT true.  You need to either wire a cable (or purchase an adapter from us) that puts pins 1 & 2 on pins 4 & 5 and vice versa.  


Once you have that, you are all set.  If you don't want to use the Macro channels in DMX mode, turn them OFF in the configuration of the device.  Also take the device out of 'Dual Normal' mode (if applicable).


The tricky part is setting the Unit ID and knowing what channels come out the other end.   Remember that DMX can only use 512 channels.  That will be important...


The first one should be set to 1 which will make it channels 1-150.  Here is the confusing part:  The Unit ID is NOT the starting channel of the controller.  It is the starting 16 channel block.  Look at the table in the CCR manual and select the first value you see that is greater than the channel number of the largest channel - (the total number of channels you have consumed).  For this second controller, set the address to 0B.  Why 0B?  If you look at the table you will see the blocks of 16.  If you set it to 0A that would mean this second controller would start on channel 145 - you have overlap.  0B makes it 161 and is the fist address out of the way.


If you set it to 0B, then your second CCR controller starts with DMX Channel 161.  So pixel 1 of the second controller is 161,162,163.


If you have a 3rd controller  use Unit ID 15.  That will make the first pixel 321,322,323.


What about if you have other controllers on the same DMX Universe?  No problem.  Let's say you have 3 16 channel controllers on your universe that you want as channels 1-48.  Now you want 3CCRs.  Set the first CCR to UID 04 (starting channel 49), Second to 0E (starting channel 209), and the 3rd to 18 (starting channel 369). WAIT!  That doesn't work since you can't have a channel number higher than 512.....


Those are the 2 gotchas.


For CCP and CCB I believe you still have to account for the 'macro' channels between string 1 and 2, even if you are not using them.  That would make string 1 (on unit ID 01) 1-150 and then string 2 161-310.

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Those are the 2 gotchas.


For CCP and CCB I believe you still have to account for the 'macro' channels between string 1 and 2, even if you are not using them.  That would make string 1 (on unit ID 01) 1-150 and then string 2 161-310.



Should this read 1-150 for string 1 and 161-320 for string 2?


I have the following controllers to convert this year:

3 x Gen 3 16 channel AC = 1-48

2 X CMB24D                     =49-97

1 X CCP                           =98-408

1 x DMX 27CH                  =416-443  (Is it necessary for a non LOR device to follow the 16 channel rule?)


2 X E1.31 controllers

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Technically yes, but you probably wouldn't be using the channels after 310 if you were using CCB/CCP.  There isn't enough room left after 320 to get 2 full strings in.

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