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Is it possible to add my sequencing from the sequence editor into the pixel editor ? It would help greatly in sequencing my pixel props!


If you have all your props setup in the pixel editor it will ask if props are going to be sequenced in pixel editor or sequencer if you say the props are sequenced in sequence editor than when you play that sequence in the pixel editor the props will show up in the preview and now you can add the pixel props while watching the props already sequenced in sequence editor.

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Thanks! I'll try that!


Can you switch back and forth between a prop programmed with SE and PE?

Example: Program 10 seconds in SE, program next 20 seconds in PE, then repeat as song deems fit.


You can switch back and forth but it is a bit difficult to see in SE because it just shows as a separate line below the sequence. So you will need to know the exact time to program in SE when the prop is not used in PE.  Or you will need to keep sending the sequence back into PE to see it all together.


I load an existing sequence from the sequence editor into the pixel editor. Did my sequence for my matrix, saved it and worked on it for a few days. Now I want to save it as an intensity file, but it is grayed out. What have I done wrong?




Pro software if required in order to save as intensity file. Once you upgrade the gray will go bye bye.


I currently have 4.2.12. I s there an update? I just upgraded to S4 and Pro earlier this month.



Also, the red handles on my matrix in preview design doesn't work either. If I check on the handles, they all vanish, and just leaves the matric as is.




I currently have 4.2.12. I s there an update? I just upgraded to S4 and Pro earlier this month.


Did you remember to register it after getting the upgrade?




I got it figured out. I thought I had upgraded to Pro, but only upgraded to Advanced. LOR, got me straightened out. They really want to satisfy their customers. They are fantastic.


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