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Carson Sequence

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You see all over the internet a copy of Carson's light show. Lots of other people have used the same song and some have used the same sequence. They all look the same right left right left right left spread out repeat. I am challenging everyone to come up with some other animation for that song. I think we are turrining into copy-cats! I personaly will not use that song because I am reading that it is Carson's song! So my point is Lets try to keep stuff fresh this year and create new sequences!

--Daniel L

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This is the downside of sharing sequences. Granted most of us will never have our lights sent all over the internet and then on National TV, but I still think it's more fun when we all choose our own music and sequence things our own way rather than just borrow from everyone else...

Just my opinion. I know it's unpopular with some here (Hi Steve :laughing:).


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Hey tim, nothing wrong with your opinion, but I have my own. As I have said I will share my sequences with anyone who likes them, and everyone is under the assumption that things will need to be changed. I take it I was singled out because I asked to share a few of yours a few seasons back, and you said you did not feel that you wanted to let your children out to others. lol sequences CAN help for the plain and simple fact of timing and such. I am the type of person if I have something you need, or would like I will share without a second thought. Guess that is the kind of person I am. Love opinions, everyone has one.

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I also do not have a problem with sharing. I used one from Marty this year, but they are not ready to roll out of the box. You need to work them into your display. If I remember correct, he tapped out the beats, but it was up to the user to add the channels needed, then rework the display setting to the beats.

Also- I think Darryl is planning on selling sequences this year of his website.

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I went by one house this year, (I won't say who) and when I looked at his display, I could tell you which PC member he borrowed from. Now, I don't have a problem with it, because 99.99% of the population isn't going to notice these things at all.

Just my two cents this morning.

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Daniel wrote:

You see all over the internet a copy of Carson's light show. Lots of other people have used the same song and some have used the same sequence. They all look the same right left right left right left spread out repeat. I am challenging everyone to come up with some other animation for that song. I think we are turrining into copy-cats! I personaly will not use that song because I am reading that it is Carson's song! So my point is Lets try to keep stuff fresh this year and create new sequences!
--Daniel L

Hummmm, I don't know....

I mean really, how many versions are out there? (ok, maybe a lot) But are they all in the same neighborhood? Not in my neighborhood.

We as Planet Christmas members have seen the video or Carson's name a million times now (because of our hobby here) but that doesn't mean we shouldn't use the same song (which by the way, isn't Carson's song :smile:, and I know you know that). I bet we're the only ones that will remember it by the end of summer (I mean actually remember it). And actually, some might be calling it the "Miller Beer Song".

You can't blame the guy for picking out a very catchy tune and can't blame anyone else for sequencing the very same song (and I know your not blaming anyone for anything). It's a blast to listen to without a light show.

I WILL use that song as it STILL belongs to TSO. I've met your challenge I think :smile:. I don't have a mega tree or any yard decor. I have 8 pillars with spot lights in between and 8 windows along with upper & lower railing that I sequenced into that same song to just 32 channels. As Loftus001 said, any sequence is good for the timing that is already in place.

And lastly, I do have some fresh stuff I'm working on. We will see......

Just my thoughts.

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I wonder how many actaully are going to use the Carson version of Wizards of Winter because of request. He got some major notice this year. When I was out shopping this year getting all of my lights for next year I talked to a few people and told them I was going to a computerized display next year. And do you know what ever single one of them asked me, yep you know it "oh you mean like that show that was on the internet." This is where I really wish I had gotten it put up this year rather than next because you know alot of people are going to think I did it because I saw that show also. Well I wanted to use the stuff 2 seasons ago but the finances just weren't there yet for it. Ok well back to the point. I have a feeling I will be asked to do the Carsons WofW but I just wont. I will do my own things. I don't want my show to be an extension of someone elses. I have gotten ideas from others but wont copy there entire show or setup.

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I am new to this, so I downloaded the carson sequence. Since I am only using 32 channels I had to do some major changes to make it work. So, really all I used was the timing. I only have 10 trees where he had 21, so my sequence is really nothing to compare to carsons other than the music, which by the way I think has a great beat. I am now working on other songs from scratch and have found the hardest part is to get the timing down. Its a very slow process but I do a little at a time when I have the time to sit down and work on them. My play list will look like this:

Mad Russian Christmas-TSO
Away in a Manger-Anne Murray
Feliz Navidad-Jose Feliziano
Silent Night-Anne Murray
Wizards in Winter-TSO


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I am now working on other songs from scratch and have found the hardest part is to get the timing down. Its a very slow process but I do a little at a time when I have the time to sit down and work on them.

I will be a first timer and yes Carson's video/sequence brought me here. As a teacher, I don't mind sharing anything I have when it comes to my lesson plans so I don't mind sharing anything I have done with sequencing. Each to his own.:waycool:

Now, sequencing new songs is half the fun! I started with a short song (Hark! The Trumpets Carol Sing) and think I did a pretty good job with it. Now, I am moving on to a classic version of Jingle Bell Rock. I sequence a little at a time (32 channels is what I am planning on for this year if I can find the money) and hope to have a few songs ready for this Christmas. If anyone wants to use my stuff, I would be flattered! One thing that most of us have going for us is that very few people have seen this stuff live, and I know it has to be pretty awesome live and in person.
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BamaFlum wrote:

One thing that most of us have going for us is that very few people have seen this stuff live, and I know it has to be pretty awesome live and in person.

BamaFlum, You hit it right on the head.

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Steven Singleton Jr. wrote:

I take it I was singled out because I asked to share a few of yours a few seasons back, and you said you did not feel that you wanted to let your children out to others.

Nah, I singled you out because a) I like to pick on you :P and B) you've mentioned a few times that you promote sharing and think everyone should.

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I saw a video here (can't remember who, so I'm not picking on anyone) and it was obvious that not only did they use Carson's sequence, but they designed their whole display to be compatible with it. Every effect Carson did in his video (the pyramid trees, the "left-right" stuff, etc. was duplicated on that video, albeit with different elements.

I'm not saying this is good nor bad, but if I chose to use that song, I'd do something entirely different -- just because that's how I'd do it. Presently, though, I've shied away from music that isn't recognizable as Christmas music (although I try to find unique versions of the songs that aren't quite as mainstream as the standard Bing Crosby or Brenda Lee -- again not that there's anything wrong with using those...)


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OK this is good! I guess we are not doing all the same thing! Like tim said a couple people have done copies of Carson's sequence which is what I am avoiding. My goal is to make somthing diffrent and be reconized by it then to copy somthing and someone tell me "ohh I saw that on the internet!"

---Daniel L

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Let me see if i can explain myself with this one.I downloaded Carsons sequence and since Im still a newbie here,I used it as a learning tool.Basically I used it to learn how to do certain efects such as the spinning on the Mega tree and a few others.It was simply something that I could compare to something I had seen in the tape vs just the view display within LOR.

Now am I going to use the song next year?Yes I am.Am I going to lay out my yard exactly like Carsons?No im not.As a tribute to the video that brought me here and into this hobby,I may incoperate a few seconds of some of his more specific and noticable effects at certain parts,but mine has been for the most part completely redone.I guess an example of that is the C9 outline of the house at the peak of the song.

I dont think that theres anything wrong with it,as long as its not a blatent copy.Sharing ideas and sequences here can lead to great things as long as you put your own touch to it.I guess I can relate it to playing music,my band did a few cover songs,but we did them our way! :PB)

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