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Show acts strange


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I started my show last night and everything was going well until about 2 hours into the show when random channels were turning on.  I ended the show early and looked here for a solution.  I reset all of my control boxes and then used the hardware utility to verify all were still connected.  I started an 'on demand' show and I was seeing the same results - random channels were turning on.  I ended the on demand show and changed out the CAT5 cable from the computer to control box number one.  That did not change anything.  I then played the same song through the sequence editor and watched the lights do exactly what they were supposed to do.  I then deleted the show and created a new show.  Even saved it under a new name - same result when I running the on demand show.  Anyone else have a situation like this?  Any suggestions?

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The rain tonight has prevented me from testing.  The weather should clear tomorrow.  Anyone have a suggestion?

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There's definitely something screwy with the Show Player and the only ones who seem to be upset about it are us users.

Very disappointing from a company I've come to respect.

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Glad I'm still using the older, trusty LOR 3.8.2 version I have.   Haven't had any show time issues with it ever.

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Do you have any channels that are "sub sequence" channels, ie channels that point to another sequence and the channel is turned on?  I had an issue where the length of the sub sequence didn't match the sequence length.  The sequence was about 1/2 a second longer than my sub sequence and when it gets to the end it will start playing the beginning of the sub sequence again...  just a thought.

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Nope - no sub sequences. Just the same old ordinary ones, some of which I've been using for 8 years.

Still waiting on a fix from LOR on their software.

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Thank you for the responses.  They made me start thinking of different things to try.  Here is what I tried tonight.   I am no longer using compressed sequences.  I made two new shows.  The first has just the first song only, no background looping for the sign, the second has the entire show with no looping sign.  I tried the first new show and everything worked well.  I then tried the original show (with the sign) and the strangeness appeared again.  Went on to the entire show with no sign and it is still running with the sign light plugged into the house outlet.  It has only been 30 minutes, but I am hopeful.  The sign was plugged in controller 1 channel 1.  Tomorrow I will switch things up and change the sign loop to another open channel on a different controller to see if that works.

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I am having issues too, the Chinese looking text appears as well. My lights are not responding as sequenced(possibly unrelated, don't know yet). You did give me an idea though, I have not tried playing them through the sequence editor yet. I wonder if that will make a difference. My show just doesn't seem smooth anymore and lights don't respond the way they are supposed to. I was thinking too much data, but my computer has 4GB and 2.4Ghz processer. Was thinking a bad data wire, but I am running the USB485 and E1.31 and they both are not smooth. One other weird symptom today, my tune to signs(set as a background animation to be on constant) started flashing at certain parts of the first two musical sequences, then never did it again even when those two musical sequences repeated later. The last time I had a perfect show with no Chinese and other issues was December 2013, whatever version I had upgraded to last year the Chinese looking text and other symptoms began. This year I upgraded again and I don't know where to begin, but it drives me crazy watching lights turn on and off that don't make sense in sequences that are fine in sequence editor.

Please give me something to try.

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Moving the sign from one controller to another has solved the problem.  Appears I have an issue with the first channel on that one controller.

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My show froze today. It displays Chinese text like mentioned by many people almost all the time. I am running the very latest version, I downloaded it a month ago.

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My show froze today. It displays Chinese text like mentioned by many people almost all the time. I am running the very latest version, I downloaded it a month ago.


there are 2 new versions...



i believe one's a beta, one's not

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