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The LOR sale

Peter B

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As a newbie, I see quite a lot of you fellow users mention the LOR sale and purchasing then. Can someone enlitghten me as what sort of discount etc, is on offer. I have seen people mention free shipping but, I would imagine us here in the UK would not qualify for this as it is expensive.

Many thanks,


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I took part of both sales last year and plan on doing the same this year. I was just wondering if LOR was planning on having the PC members sale like they did last year? I think it was around March-ish.

Any ideas Dan?


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I think that was not a PC members sale as much as it was a sale to introduce the new PC version of the controller board. During the "first" sale the CTB16PC, and it's associated components were the only items on sale. Those units continued on sale thru the regular LOR sale.


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cmoore60 wrote:

I think that was not a PC members sale as much as it was a sale to introduce the new PC version of the controller board. During the "first" sale the CTB16PC, and it's associated components were the only items on sale. Those units continued on sale thru the regular LOR sale.


Your absolutely right. I love the PC boards. I really think they were a great addition to the product line. The reason why I was asking about the PC sale was because I do a lot of stuff with the controllers that are throughout the year. I also like to have the boards way before Christmas because of this.

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