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Newbie Question about the LOR PixCon16


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I was wanting to add some Cosmic Color (Ribbons and Pixel strings) to the house this year so I added a PixCon16 to my cart. Then went over to
add the Cosmic color Pixels to my cart but noticed that the price was little high tor lights That's when I realized that they had their own complete
controllers. The problem is that I have mapped out 12 Cosmic Color Pixel strings and 4 Cosmic Color Ribbons.


The web page says it can handle 16 stings in LOR Enhanced, so I figured this was the way to go but since the strings come with controllers the cost would be....


Pixels: 6 X $219.95  - ($1319.70)
Ribbons: 4 x $249.95  - ($999.80)


Way outta my price range this year...


I read a ton ot posts about RGB, CCR, CCP, LMNOP, and other letter combos. It just made my head hurt.
Simple and (hopefully) easy question. If I go to Amazon, what lights would work well with a PixCon16?


I looked at these:

GOESWELL LED Pixel Strip 5m WS2801 Digital Strip 36LED/M 36IC/M Smart Pixels IP67 Tube Waterproof DC5V 5050 RGB Color Changing White PCB
 by Goeswell
Link: http://amzn.com/B014PFM5BM


Other suggestions are very welcome.


Part #2, do I need a power suppy for each string?  Or will the PixCon16 supply the power?


Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere but when I searched I may not have known what keywords to use.




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I found a little more info at HolidayCoro, it looks like they have the smart pixels that work with the PixCon16. It looks like I need a power supply for each run, not necessarily each string.

They have an LOR compatable controller as well and they sell it in a case with a power supply. Anyone have any experience with this unit? Any good?

Is it better to use the PixCon16 and use the HolidayCoro lights?

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I'm not an expert on the RGB sets, in fact I'm a newbie to them and I don't even run any yet. But I have done a bit of research on them. I want to up grade too, and have asked a few questions myself. (mainly software and controller related) What I have learned is that you want the IP67 or the IP68 sets with the more common chip set of ws2811. You are going to want to make a decision on 5v or 12v dc also, your power supply is going to run both the strings and the controller, so any sets you buy in the future will need to run the same voltage. Check out these guys, the length in meters is wrong, it's only 5 meters long, not 15, so go by the foot length.

I buy all my leds through these guys and will be buying these strips as well. The leds are in groups of 3 per chip, but with 150leds per strip that's still 50 pixels each. Not bad for the price.

They have nodes also but only 5v. I haven't yet found a good price on the 12v nodes yet, so if you do, hit me back. 

If you go to the left menu down at the bottom, click on the RGB lighting tab and it explains somethings out. the strips can be found in the Christmas light section...they have water tight connectors too.



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If I where you new guys I would buy lights and related hardware from business that sell Christmas lighting supply's vendors on this forum might seem to have higher prices at times but when your just getting into pixels and pixel controllers you going to need help

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If I where you new guys I would buy lights and related hardware from business that sell Christmas lighting supply's vendors on this forum might seem to have higher prices at times but when your just getting into pixels and pixel controllers you going to need help


You can't beat lor for service on there products.

A BIG Amen to those statments..............Sooooo True

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I purchased my pixel nodes (12V), power supply and box from Holiday coro.  Purchased a Pixcon from LOR.  Everything worked when I tested them.  I am just starting to put them on the house.

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Sounds great, let me know how it goes. Time was running short so I bought the Residential Series 16 starter pack, upgraded the license to Pro level, and 2 CTB16PC-Ready To GO-Addon controllers.

I think I'll start buying RGB stuff in January or February so I will be ready for next year. Just going for LEDs this year and do more research and planning.

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