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Few questions for clarification

Jeff Kesler

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Trying to get up to speed on PE like most here. A few questions:


-I migrated my visualizer file from last year into PE preview. Then changed my pixel tree prop from individual strings to an actual tree prop as suggested, added some new dumb pixel strings for the roof line and recreated some non-pixel props that get sequenced in SE. Now how do I get this new preview file back into the visualizer to use for SE and SS? I don't seem to find a file with the name I gave it in the preview manager.


-I think in the help file it says to delete any pixels from SE that will be programmed in PE, but then how are some of you getting effects that you already programmed for your pixel props in SE into PE? Plus as I said, my tree was individual strings before and now it is one prop.


-Going through the effects to apply to my pixel tree, it seems like there is not any way to sequence a string at a time, ie light up each vertical one at a time to follow beats of the music with different color for instance. Would it work to create a duplicate prop of my pixel tree using individual strands to give me more control? Or should I create the pixel tree with individual strands only and then make a group of those strands so that I can affect each strand or the whole group?


Thanks for any help or suggestions-


v4.2.6 pro

pixel tree using CCRs

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Now how do I get this new preview file back into the visualizer to use for SE and SS?


There is not a way to take the Pixel Editor preview and import it back into the Visualizer. You can create props in the Pixel Editor preview for the elements you sequence in SE - in prop definition set the Sequence Method to "Sequence Editor" and make sure the channel assignments in PE match what is defined in SE. This will allow you to see SE and PE sequencing play back together.


For SS, you can export in legacy format and paste it into your SE sequence. If you have created a matching prop in PE (with Sequence Method to "Sequence Editor") then you can see it play in PE also.




I think in the help file it says to delete any pixels from SE that will be programmed in PE, but then how are some of you getting effects that you already programmed for your pixel props in SE into PE?


You would first import your sequencing into PE using PE's migration tool. The first step in the migration brings SE data into PE. Once you have verified that the first step worked correctly, you run the second step which removes the sequencing that was migrated from SE and sets the device type on those channels to "none".




it seems like there is not any way to sequence a string at a time


In MS Paint, create a png image that matches the size of your prop. Set all of the pixels to black. Then set the columns or rows that you want on to white. Save the image.


In PE's effect generator, set the right-hand effect to picture and point it to your png image. In the middle, set the mix to "Mix_Rt_Reveals_Lt". Now use a colorwash, or any other effect on the left. Only the rows or columns you enabled in your png image will light up in the middle (result) window.


You can use this technique to apply any pattern - not just rows or columns to a PE effect.



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