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Visualizer not playing well with Sequence Editor


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I've searched and checked and tried the past suggestions - even went through the tuorial step by step, but I still do not have the Visualizer working this year.  Here's the background:  I'm running S3 (3.8.2) on Windows 8 (ugh) and I have McAfee Security Center.  Both the Visualizer and SE are using the same IP address and port and in SE the Control Visualizer box is checked.  For several years I have run the Visualizer with absolutely no problems, however, this year when I decided to edit a few sequences, I found I could not get the Visualizer to work.  I see my background photo come to the front when playing the sequence, but no lights blink (yes, I have the Visualizer in simulation or play mode).


I wonder if I could be having some firewall issues, but when I turn off the firewall (McAfee), it doesn't help. I wonder if there is some cross issue with McAfee and Windows in terms of which firewall is in control, but either way I can't seem to get the Visualizer to actually work with SE.


So, does anyone have similar experiences and/or suggestions for this?  And/or could there be some of you who have had isues with McAfee firewall and have any tricks for it?



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Ok, so if the Visualizer pops itself up to the front, then it is receiving data.  Unlike S4 Vis that uses a different system to pop the window to the front, S3 Visualizer comes forward as soon as it hears data.  I don't think you have a firewall issue.


Are you sure you have 'Control Visualizer' turned on in the Sequence Editor?

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Yes, 'Control Visualizer' always has a check by it - and I double check every time just to make sure :-)


So, are you saying that the fact that the visualizer pops to the front indicates that there is communication between SE and visualizer?  Hence not a firewall issue?  That is a good thing to know.  However, it makes me even more puzzled.

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Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.  

If you are still having problems, I suggest that you open a trouble ticket and we can continue there.  That will allow us to track the issue.

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I am having the same issue. Was it someting easy, or was it more complicated and I should open a ticket?

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Galen has an issue that is going to be very specific to his computer.  You most likely have something different.  As always the first thing to do is run through the tutorial.

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Hi, I'm having the EXACT same issue. I've been through the tutorial, but I didn't see anything that talked about turning on "Control Visualizer" and I can't find that option in the SE software. I see the place where I can change the IP address, but those already match. Can you tell me where to check that box, and I will do that before I seek further help. Thanks!

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Sorry, I guess I'm not having the same issue. I'm running S4 (4.2.6). My background picture comes up when I go to "simulation mode." Then, I click on "Play SE" and I hear music, but no lights go off. Any ideas?

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Sorry for the running monologue, but it's fixed. I found the other forum regarding this, and it recommended a restart. Also, I found there where to checkmark the visualizer. 

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