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CD Music for sequences


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Sorry if this question was asked already. I am newbie!!! I have watch just about all the video tutorials and The question I have is can you use music from a CD that is already loaded on to the computer and uploaded it into sequence editor. Thanks.

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Yes. If you go into sequence editor, just open a new musical sequence and add "media" ie: whatever file you have from your computer:) then start sequencing!!

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128kbps, CBR is what LOR recommends, however, I have been using 192kbps CBR since 2010 when I statred and have my Windows Media Player set to rip my CD's at those rates.   I have never had an issue using them with an older MP3 Showtime Director or from a Computer Ran show.


    Might just be me, but 128 just sounds a wee bit too tinny and a little scratchy to me, it just was not very appealing, so I experimented with the various rates to find what works.  And 192 worked very well for me, and also sounds much nicer than 128 does, at least to me. {Again, just my opinion}.


The only pitfall is, the higher the rate, the file size of the MP3 will be a little larger, however, it was usually only a few MB of difference, and for a little better quality and sounding music file, I can live with that.


Although I think the newer versions {I'm still using 3.8.2} may allow you to use the highest quality of 320, CBR, only someone using the newer version will be able to give better details on that.  Also not sure if the G3-MP3 can use the 320kbps rate.  Just seem to recall readimg somewhere they could possibly use them.


But myself, I'll stick to the 192kbps and CBR{Constant Bit Rate} setting for use in my displays.

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Orville's advice notwithstanding, why not just follow LOR's manuals and use 128Kbps MP3 files?

Where's the rocket science in doing what the manufacturer recommends? Don't you think maybe they know something about how their product works best?

And sorry Orv, but as tone-deaf as you've shown yourself to be over the years, how could you POSSIBLY hear any difference between 128 and 192Kbps? :)

Edited by George Simmons
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