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"Paste to RGB" tool recommendation

Mr. P

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There have been many people who have tried to copy and paste an ac (on/off) channel to a RGB channel only to find that you have to do a lot of work to get another color other then red. 


So how about a "Paste to RGB" tool on the top tool bar where you can copy a sequence in a ac channel click on the "paste to RGB" button and the color palette opens. You select the color you want then highlight the RGB channel where yo want to place it and click paste. It would also help convert some of our older on/off sequences seeing how many of us are starting to put in a lot of RGB.


This could also be done to change colors within an RGB channel. Lets say you have a 10 sec red chase sequence and you need a purple chase sequence directly after, you can't copy and paste the red because you have to change the color so you have to create the sequence again only in purple. If you could copy the red chase then "copy to RGB" and change the color in the palette then paste it it would make things so much easier.


Does this sound possible?

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For me, a bigger issue is not being able to change rgb colors for a select range of a channel.  Would like to see the "foreground" option exapanded to include a "color fade" option.  

I can get red channels to a a somewhat acceptable color by manipulating the 3 color bands, r, g and b.  But I never wanbt a channel to be the same color throughout the sequence...thus want to change sections of the channel.

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