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12 CCR sequences

Softball Shawn

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All, on this board I've noticed that there are not a whole lot of sharing of 12/16 CCR sequences. I know that I'm grateful for the few that have sent me sequences to help me out (Ron Boyd rocks). In an effort to get some 12/16 CCR sequence sharing going, I will be the first to offer mine up to any that want them. I've made the following sequences if anyone wants them.

12 Days of Christmas (Straight No Chaser, trimmed version)

Carol of the bells (August Burns Red)

Winter Wonderland (August Burns Red)

Hippopotamus for Christmas (Gretchen Wilson)

Lucy and Linus (The Peanuts song)

Minions "Banana" bumper

Oi to the World (No Doubt)

Grace bumper (Aunt Bethany Christmas Vacation)

Christmas is Coming (Muppets)

I've got others that I've made but I don't feel right sharing them. I've bought a few and copied effects from their sequences to fit a different song so those are more or less "assembled" by me. I don't want to take credit for someone else's work. My sequences are not nearly their caliber, but hey, I'm giving them away.

Edited by Softball Shawn
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Shawn, a lot of folks are buying the 12 CCR sequences these days.


With Brian's amazing work, and Holiday Sequences ability to rip them out in a couple of days, kneel999 sequences on Valley Center Holiday Lights, along with a few others on ebay, like you said, it's not right to share them. That's why I only gave you 1 or 2. the rest of mine were bought from these 3 places.


This is a good concept though. It would be nice not to spend a couple hundred $$$ on sequences.


Oh and thanks for the kudos. I trust that you got everything figured out and away you go.


Good job Bro.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Shawn  I would love to have the 12 Days of Christmas and Linus and Lucy sequences.  Most of my CCR sequences are done and were bought or created by pasting from purchased sequences.  I also would feel weird about sharing sequences that I didn't create. Those 2 songs were going to be left out of the show this year because I would not have time to do them as I am in full set-up mode right now.  It would be great to be able to have them in.  You can email to Mwhite7097@aol.com.

Thank you in advance.  

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If you are willing to share I would love to have them, I have bought all that I have (5), so would love to have more but I don't have any to share, just not talented enough.



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Actually I did share three of my 16 ccr sequences that I made with members on this forum.  I stopped because I have no time to answer several emails at this time. However I tip my hat off to you for sharing your work.

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I am planning on adding a 12 or 16 CCR tree and would love to see all of them so I can piece my own together..



Thank you

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Just a little tidbit of info.


If you use a cloud based storage and back-up, such as DropBox or OneDrive or Google Drive, you can create a folder for sharing, COPY the sequences there and link to that folder. This way, you don't have to answer 100+ emails and send out the sequences. This also keeps your sequences safe since the share folder is a copy of the sequence instead of the original.

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I would like to see if I can use them with my 15 CCR tree.


Would be interested in the following:


12 Days of Christmas (Straight No Chaser, trimmed version)
Minions "Banana" bumper
Oi to the World (No Doubt)
Christmas is Coming (Muppets)



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Hey Shawn...


got your email about the drop box and sequences...I see the Muppet audio but not the sequence..or the Minions Banana Bumper... or Oi to the World (No Doubt)

Edited by jimswinder
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All, on this board I've noticed that there are not a whole lot of sharing of 12/16 CCR sequences. I know that I'm grateful for the few that have sent me sequences to help me out (Ron Boyd rocks). In an effort to get some 12/16 CCR sequence sharing going, I will be the first to offer mine up to any that want them. I've made the following sequences if anyone wants them.

12 Days of Christmas (Straight No Chaser, trimmed version)

Carol of the bells (August Burns Red)

Winter Wonderland (August Burns Red)

Hippopotamus for Christmas (Gretchen Wilson)

Lucy and Linus (The Peanuts song)

Minions "Banana" bumper

Oi to the World (No Doubt)

Grace bumper (Aunt Bethany Christmas Vacation)

Christmas is Coming (Muppets)

I've got others that I've made but I don't feel right sharing them. I've bought a few and copied effects from their sequences to fit a different song so those are more or less "assembled" by me. I don't want to take credit for someone else's work. My sequences are not nearly their caliber, but hey, I'm giving them away.



If you are still offering I will love to check them out, I am just starting on the Christmas show this year but will love to spruce up my show for the next season.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.




Many Thanks,


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