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Save Intensity Data


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Added a pixel tree in PE. Saved Intensity Data and went back into sequence. Pixel tree intensity data missing. Go back into PE and the tree is there as well as all the effects. Am I missing something?

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Save Intensity Data stores data to a file with a LID extension. The LID files are used by the Sequence Editor and by the Show Player. In the Sequence Editor it shows after the last track - not as editable data - but as a list of props whose data is in the LID file. When you play back and control lights from the Sequence Editor, the lights for those props will also be controlled.


While the Pixel Editor creates the LID file, it does not read it. The editable version of your effects is stored in a separate file with an LPE extension.


Hope that helps,



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The first Pic is an example of a test Pixel tree I added to an older sequence that I'm not using. 

The second pic is a sequence I will use and the Pixel tree I programmed in Pixel Editor will be used also but I do not see the PE Prop added. I think I'm missing a step to get that to show up. 

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Ok, I found the missing PE prop. I hadn't noticed the additional slider on the right side of the screen. Because I have more channels than will fit on the screen there are two sliders, one will scroll through all my regular channels, and the additional one will scroll past those and show the PE prop w/ its attached channel tree. 

I was confused for a while as there is an .lid file like you said but I was not finding the PE prop.


Edited by m1ke05
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