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Complex Sequencing in SE to PE


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I love the new pixel editor. It is still in its infancy, but I love what you can do with it. That said, I have a question.


I have a complex sequence (on/off/ramp up/ ramp down/intensity) that was developed in SE and I want to use in PE. I want to be able to assign an effect in PE and then copy and paste the sequencing (timing) (on/off/ramp up/ ramp down/intensity) from SE to PE, thereby having the PE effect "dance" just like the channel does in SE. In SE the sequence information is coming from one channel line in the editor that is not sequenced in PE.


Is there any way to do this? I really do not want to spend the time manually reproducing the sequence information in PE.




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I have been playing around with the same thing. Try this:


1. Include in your PE Preview the channel containing the timing you want to re-use. You can do this by creating a Prop in PE  and select Sequence Editor as the Sequence Method. Complete the rest of the Prop setup as needed.

1. Make sure the Prop you just created is also displayed in PE via the Select Props capability. Select Props | Select the props to display in the grid | Props Sequenced Using Sequence Editor.


This should display the SE channel below the PE props you are working on. You can then Copy and Paste the timing from the SE channel up into the PE area. As the Help file on the Select Props window says:


Props sequenced with the traditional LOR Sequence Editor can be displayed on the Pixel Editor grid for reference. Their sequences can be copied to the clipboard and pasted to a Pixel Editor prop. The pasted effect will be a color wash. (White in my experience.) However, this can easily be changed after pasting by using the modify command (M key).



What I seem to be able to do, is while the timing just pasted is selected: 1. Chose an Effect that is displayed in the Main Screen Preview WIndow, or 2.) Select Effects Generator and pick an already created Favorite.


Give it a try and see what happens.



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Thanks for the info. It seems logical. I will try it tomorrow and let everyone know how it works for me.


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I tried your approach. It worked great. Thanks. I only had one problem which is a little confusing. I could not use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v for the copy and paste. It did however, work fine using the copy and paste icons via the mouse. That was strange. Again, thanks for the help. Jim

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