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Launch at startup not working


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Hey all.  I have the "Launch at startup" option ticked on the Control Panel, but when my PC reboots, it does not start.  Yet, when I do start it manually, the lauch at startup is now unticked.  Any ideas?



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No wonder I've put weight on this year.

I thought it said lunch at startup, & I'm on here all the time...

Seriously, I'm not an I.T. type guy & really have no idea how to help you my friend..

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Could you please send an email to me (bob@lightorama.com) with the following information? Thanks.


(1) Your forum username.


(2) This thread's URL, which is:




(3) The output of the LOR Diagnostic utility.

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No wonder I've put weight on this year.

I thought it said lunch at startup, & I'm on here all the time...

Seriously, I'm not an I.T. type guy & really have no idea how to help you my friend..


Could you please send an email to me (bob@lightorama.com) with the following information? Thanks.


(1) Your forum username.


(2) This thread's URL, which is:




(3) The output of the LOR Diagnostic utility.


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