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Looking for a little sequence help


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Hey guys I was wondering if any of you wonderful people out there had a couple of sequences they could share. I am looking for A Mad Russian's Christmas by TSO and the Crazy Frog Jingle Bells. I just added 24 more channels to my display which will be 8 RGB mini trees and now I have to go back through all my old songs and sequence those trees in which is taking forever. But it is cool to be able to make them any color that I want.
I just don't know if I will have the time to start up brand new sequences.

So I was hoping that someone could share a sequence or 2, it doesn't necessarily have to be those 2 songs but something that I can incorporate the 8 new mini trees into.
Right now it's not a huge display I only have 16 channels + the 8 mini trees so nothing too big.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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