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All lights on dim and shimmer all the time


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On one of my CTB-16D blue boards, all the channels are dim and shimmer all the time at about 20-30% also the LED on the controller shimmers whenever it is lit, also channel #16 is out. I can still use it in a show except for the lights will stay on at about 20-30% when they are suppose to be off. I have turned off everything and unplugged the Cat5 cables and still every light connected to the controller are dimly lit and shimmer whenever the controller is powered on. The funny thing is I had this problem about two weeks ago and I reset the controller and, problem gone. I have tried resetting the controller several times since with no success, I even tried reflashing the firmware but still have the problem.

I was wondering if anybody has any other ideas I Could try!

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It is probably a dead board and needs replacing. Haywire behavior is a key indicator.

I had nearly the same problems with a couple of my controllers. When I replaced the boards, the problem went away.

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PIC processor affects all channels. Also, the power supply. If you're 5V regulator is putting out 4.90-5.10VDC, then you likely have a PIC problem. Contact support. They are top notch and will get things straightened out for you.

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If a reset has not fixed things and it is happening to all channels on the controller then I would send it in for repair/replacment.

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[align=left]LightORamaDan wrote:

If a reset has not fixed things and it is happening to all channels on the controller then I would send it in for repair/replacment.

Dan: I was able to reset the controller by installing a jumper at # 2 pins and setting the switchers to 00 (at this point problem still there) then I removed jumper and set switches back to 01. Now LED does not shimmer when lit and everything works normal except channel 16 is out, I can worry about that later.

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