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Wow, what a gut punch!


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I am new to LOR, this is my first year. I didn't jump into it with both feet compared to a lot of you guys, but I think I started at a respectable level with 64 channels. I have been hard at work sequencing songs that have beats and rhythms that I felt would work well with an animated show. Now after reading comments in this forum area I find out that 3 of the 4 sequences I've done make most of you want to do anything from throw up to refuse support on a help ticket. Everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion, that is a God given right that shouldn't EVER be infringed upon, but I feel like the wind has been taken out of my sails. I've shown the progress so far to close friends and relatives with nothing but positive feedback and excitement to see it in real life. Their opinions are definitely important but when one gets into a hobby the support of people who share the same hobby are far more important. So, since it sounds like I will be cleaning up mass amounts of vomit off of my lawn if I continue with the songs I have chosen does anyone have any suggestions for songs that aren't nausiating to the viewers? I'm looking for some that have a lot of beat, and spots in the song that everything goes quiet for the impact of everything coming back on at once. Im finding sequencing vocals to be extremely difficult, but getting better at it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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My advice is if you and your family like the songs your doing. Then keep doing it. Most people that stop by to watch the show just want to see the pretty light blink.

Remember it's supposed to be fun.

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Make your show what you want it to be.


If you do what everyone else thinks it should be then it won't be all you. Make your show your show.

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I am new to LOR, this is my first year. I didn't jump into it with both feet compared to a lot of you guys, but I think I started at a respectable level with 64 channels. I have been hard at work sequencing songs that have beats and rhythms that I felt would work well with an animated show. Now after reading comments in this forum area I find out that 3 of the 4 sequences I've done make most of you want to do anything from throw up to refuse support on a help ticket.



You do know that I was kidding about the support ticket thing, right?  We will of course support our customers regardless of taste in music.


I was not kidding however about my dislike of that particular piece of music -- and that is OK!  Music taste is a very personal, very SUBJECTIVE thing.  The ONLY person you have to answer to is YOURSELF when it comes to selections for YOUR show.  Do you like the music?  Do you like your sequences?  Then that is the ONLY THING that matters! :D


Know how much my (or any other decorator's) opinion matters?  LESS THAN 0%.  


... and trust me -- if you were subjected to listening to WiW 3 times a day, 261 days a year, for 7 years and counting you would want to blow your brains out too as soon as you hear it! :P

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As stated above. It's your show. Build it the way that suits you.

But, I see where DevMike is coming from. After you play the same song over and over during the sequencing, it can get pretty tiring. Been there, done that. Have fun! Now after saying that and when all the sequencing has been completed, youu can set back and enjoy the show and you will forget about how long it took to sequence a song. Then you can start all over next year.

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Many of us are at disadvantage in not being famialar withfthe "negative feedback".   If from just  one person or so, take it with a grain of salt. See if there was som merit in the feedback and proceed on.  People handle critism differently...from be crushed, to manybe a valid point, to go @#$% yourself.

Apparently, someone questioned the choice of music or it repeatativety?.  I've found it's best not to impost my opinion on music taste...kind of like argueing political.  

If you're show put smiles on peoples faces and you're, then your moving in the right directions.

In problem with forum and email type communications, you can see people faces to judge their tone.

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If WiW was the reference I can tell you that 85% of us are tired of that song, but we still keep it in our shows because the visitors like it.


I agree with all said. Do what you and your family like that is important. However if that is high energy techno crazy versions, the feed back I get from my visitors is that they appreciate the fact that I do not use those. Most will appreciate it once or twice, then get tired of it.

So in my conversations with those decorators that use those versions, I just say consider having a balance in your show.

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To add to what has already been said, your show is what you like to do. Lets face it, we all want to see our visitors smile, especially the little ones. Oh, and we hope to give someone a happy few minutes in the otherwise "hustle, gotta get it done" time of year. (That, plus the fact we like to show off!) I would be almost willing to bet $100, that there will be zero visitors to your show that will say, "I sure wish you had not done that song". As mentioned above, all they care about is that it goes blinky, flashy, and, there's music in the background.


Two years ago, as I was out speaking with some visitors. There was a lady and I assumed her daughter, that I spoke to. The older lady had a hard time saying what she wanted to say, while her daughter was sort of translating. She told me, " Christmas just hasn't been the same since my husband died. Tonight you made me happy. Come here and give me a hug"


After the hug, and they pulled away, I had tears in my eyes. I walked up to my wife and she frantically said, "What happened?" I told her the story and she and one of her workmates that was visiting, both starting crying. 


You just don't know whose life you will touch when your show goes live. Enjoy the addict.......I mean, hobby, yeah, hobby. Don't worry about what others think. Your visitors will be happy. 

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Sequencing is not an easy thing to do for some people, do it your way and enjoy it. Then after you watch your work many times, you will become better and better. I am still going back and improving the sequences that I did 7 years ago. I have said to myself many times "that looks bad, I did not do that". You will become your own critic, but others will like your work and never say anything but how great it is/was. 

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If I had a new car for everyone who's criticized my inclusion of Pink Floyd tunes in what they deem to be strictly a "Christmas" show, I could probably open Minnesota's largest dealership. Tell the haters to pound salt and do the songs that you and your family like.

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I find it is best to really not give a squirt over what other people think. Works in the world of lights and life in general. Sequencing is a bit of a knack that takes a little time. I watch my early sequences and they really suck. Carol of the Bells took me 3 years to get the timing right. Most people who come to your show won't know the difference. 


Example of suckage, and if you look careful you can see vomit all over the lawn.

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Busting on WIW is kind of a given right among animated decorators (even though most of us use it). You'll probably find yourself doing it in a few years if you stick around.

Let It Go… (that's another one)

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Thanks Ron for sharing your story...it's really what this hobby should be about.

I generally feel you use songs that you think you're visitors will enjoy and that maybe causes them to stay around for the next song.   But there's no problem in adding a song, just for yourself...ie pink floyd.

What you don't want are songs that drive people away.

Edited by mpageler
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I get SO much flak from people in this hobby for what music I use, what props I made etc. Haters gonna hate. Do it cause it's fun. Don't worry about what other people think. What they think has already been done! Do something new that's just you.

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+ 100% on what everyone has said about being "your show". To answer your suggestion part of thread, here's a few I really liked last year:

Edit - also, these were 64 channels too. Don't shy away from tying more than one prop to a channel. Most times you will be the only one who will know.

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Just enjoy your show and disregard the forums when it comes to questions that involve music choices and how you sequence. As long as your happy with it is all that matters. You can view plenty of light shows out there on you tube or via a posted Website and if you like what you see just PM them.


There are no Pro's out here and those that claim to be or claim to have the  top shows in an area are blowing their own horns and probably have done so all their life.  


Now from a technical standpoint you can really learn a boat load of things as I have and very thankful  to all those who have helped me. I have learned to keep my personal likes and dislikes to myself when it comes to forums...


By the way I own  a Corvette never a Mustang!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I try to choose songs people will like for Christmas.  However, Halloween, being my fav holiday, is all about me. I hope other like the music, but if they don't, I don't worry about it. 

What is WIW?

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What is WIW?


Wizards in Winter by Trans Siberian Orchestra.  One of the most heavily used light show songs.  Very popular with viewers.


I did not not have it in my show last year, but I did buy Brian's SuperStar sequence for it.  I will likely have it in this year's show.


Like many people said, sequence what you like..


Also, it helps to keep a bit of a thick skin on most internet forums at times...

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Also, it helps to keep a bit of a thick skin on most internet forums at times...


I tend to do everything outside of the box no matter what it is and when I post about it in online forums there is always the group of traditionalists that hate what I do because I won't do what they do.


I want everything I do to be as different as I can possibly make it.

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