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Issue with CTB-08


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So, my show was working fine, except 1 channel wasn't working on my controller (CTB-08). So, I took it in, and it didn't even power on. So, I got all the water out of it (a tiny bit in it) and then I plugged it in. Nothing. So, I blew it out again, then it worked. Now when I plug it in (only to socket...not to computer or anything else) the LED is solid, and only 1 channel works, and it stays on. Then, I hook it to the computer, and the LED goes off, and that same channel does random effects. Then, I opened up the HWU, and I check for cnotrollers. I only have 1 hooked up, and every time I get a different number of controllers! And when I click on them, they say "unknown decice". The last time I did it, and I didn't get any controllers...a better sign!

So, I don't know what's w/ my controller. Any help would be appreciated.

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