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I am currently sitting in my yard at my pc trying to get my RGB's to work.  My wife and I spent the day put ribbons onto pvc and mounting them to the house getting the controllers out and set up.  Its startting to get dark we wanted see how it looked and ... nothing, when tested inside a few weeks ago the strips all worked but now I am not getting a hint of anything.  Can anyone help me configue this CMB24D so I can get my light tested before halloween?  Thanks I'll be in the yard waiting 

Edited by Janda
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Just tried refreshing my hardware utility it says its only finding 2 controllers should it be finding a 3rd for the CMB24D?

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I'm sorry. I know how frustrating it is to want to try something and it is not working the way you want. Or at all... Go back to Clark Griswold.... Any switches, breakers that need to be on that aren't? Fuses? Are all lights blinking on your units? Are you running from computer? (Not familiar as I use the mini player), but there is a "control lights" button in one of the menus. Maybe that needs to be on??

Wish I Could be more help. Sorry for insulting you if you have already tried all these things. I usually overlook the simplest thing and it causes things not to work..


Have you tried switching the ports and cables around?

Power supply to the rgb unit?

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Not insulted in the slightest, sometimes in frustration we miss the smallest things.  all breakers are good and solid lights on the 3 controllers.  I think i have something messed up on the CMB23D board but I really don't know.

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One more thought, maybe I dont have enough license? Everytime I start up it tells me i have 1 or more channels not supported, could this be it?

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That is above my pay grade ...I'm very new myself and still learning all this troubleshooting..when you had it working, was anything different? We're your controllers in a different order? Did you use different power cords or outlets?? Like I said, not trying to insult, just trying to "jog" what the difference might be. Any chance you are using a different voltage strip?

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Standard is good for up to eight controllers. I would disconnect all the controllers, verify the controller ID numbers then add one at a time. Add the first one then run the HU. Add the second one then run the HU. Then add the third one and run the HU.

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Standard is good for up to eight controllers. I would disconnect all the controllers, verify the controller ID numbers then add one at a time. Add the first one then run the HU. Add the second one then run the HU. Then add the third one and run the HU.


Forgive me, my brain is a but fried what is HU?

When you say you tested them inside was that with hardware utility or with sequence


With a sequence, in fact the same one I am now trying

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HU = Hardware Utility program, it sets the comm port and finds all the controllers in your setup.


ok, i have gone through each but it doesnt seem to find the cmb24d when i search the network it tells me it only finds 2 units, when i only have the cmb24d plugged in it finds 0 units 

Edited by Janda
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Did you set the CMB24D ID number by setting the dip switches on the card?


I left it what it was originally set at.... It worked he first time should i change it?  I reduced max channels to 10 and researched for it and the HU found it. So i decided to refresh again but it wont find it again... I just dont get why it is getting lost

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You should give it a new ID number so there is no conflict with your other controllers. The manual tells you how to set the dip switches for the controller number on page 20 here:





Also check your cat5 patch cable or swap it out if you have to.

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Since the cmb24 card worked before it must be a cable or bad rj45 port connection I would plug one at a time to the hardware utility had the same problem a few times bad port from lor controller to the other might not be the cmb board but the one feeding that one

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