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Song Timing Not moving with sequence


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I'm in Pixel editor and when I play a sequence the song timing does not move with the sequence? I'm at a fixed timing grid of 0.05 and I'm seeing 0.01 thru 0.10 on my timeline but after the song passes the.10 second mark the song keeps playing but the timeline doesn't move?


It's the same as when I drag my mouse from the beginning to the end on one of the props the timeline doesn't move with it? In SE when you drag your mouse from the first cell, the timeline moves along with you the mouse until you get to whatever cell you stop at


HELP, its driving me nuts!! 

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If you are seeing 0.01 through 0.10 on the timeline, then you are zoomed very far in. I just tried it on my computer and it works for me, but the sequence grid gets repainted very, very quickly. Try zooming out - so you can see 5 to 10 seconds of your sequence. Also, make sure the settings under Tools > Preview Playback match what I've shown in the attachment.


Dragging past the visible area does work, but it is slow. Why not zoom out? Or click on the first cell, then scroll to the last cell, then shift-click on it. That is much faster. If you are selecting an entire row, just right-click on the row and choose Select > Row from the pop-up menu. Another quick way to select is use the arrow keys while holding down the shift key.


Hope that helps,






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Hey Matt I'm seeing the same issue.  I'm zoomed out to about 14 sec on the screen and when I hit playback neither the timeline nor wave file move until I hit stop, then it changes to where the playback is.  I matched your attachment and still no change.


v S4.2.0

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Everything was I even zoomed out it's still not working.........., pretty hard (almost impossible) to get  effects into the correct timing marks when  your looking at the entre sequence, zoomed out.

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Please post a screen shot from Pixel Editor's Help > About screen - so I can see your configuration. If you would prefer to send it to me via PM, that is fine too. Thanks,



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Here you go.........


Perhaps you can tell me how to post a bigger pic? The forum only allows 5.67 Kb


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Here you go.........


Perhaps you can tell me how to post a bigger pic? The forum only allows 5.67 Kb


Umm, my eyes aren't that good!


When I click "More Reply Options", I see "Max. single file size 20MB" next to the "Choose files" button. Maybe my settings are different because I'm an admin?


Anyway, what does the processor line say in Help > About?



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LOR Pixel Editor

Version 4.2.2

Pro Edition


Microsoft Windows 7 Professional

Intel Core i5 -4590 CPU @ 3.30 GHz

Intel HD Graphics 4600

OpenGL version 4.2.0 Build

Edited by godman
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LOR Pixel Editor

Version 4.2.2

Pro Edition


Microsoft Windows 7 Professional

Intel Core i5 -4590 CPU @ 3.30 GHz

Intel HD Graphics 4600

OpenGL version 4.2.0 Build


That's a nice computer - it should run PE well. Can you try going to Tools > Preview Playback and disabling/unchecking "Fast Playback Marker"? Does that work?



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Thanks Matt, that seemed to do the trick, working now....


What exactly is  fast playback marker?


When "Fast Playback Marker" is disabled, the entire sequence grid is redrawn every time the playback marker moves. When it's enabled, the playback marker is drawn using a different technique that uses fewer system resources, but is sometimes less reliable. I've made some changes for the next release that might allow you to re-enable "Fast Playback Marker". However, your computer is fast enough that you probably won't notice a difference.



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