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Just sequenced my first song


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Ok, doing this off memory since my computer with LOR loaded is running the show right now. When the show is running I do not use the computer for anything else. No specific reason why, just overly cautious, especially with people standing outside watching the show.

If you right click on the LOR icon in the tray you can then select Show Editor. Once the screen comes up for the editor select the Musical tab. Then click on the "+" this will prompt you for the name of the sequence. When you get more sequences built you can select more than one at a time. Save the show. Note: Since you said you created for first song sequence, I assume you have audio. While in the Show editor be sure to add the show in the Musical tab.

Follow the above steps but instead of clicking the Show Editor, click on the Schedule Editor. This will bring up the program that allows you to have your show start and run automatically.

Have fun,


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