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Fading shimmering or twinkling lights

Old Sarge

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I have searched the threads but am trying to find if I can fade shimmering or twinkling lights.... such as if I have one channel with shimmer or twinkle is there a way to fade it down or up?


Thanks in advance



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Yes, if you're doing it in Sequence Editor. I'm on my phone right now so I can't quite walk through the steps, but this is close. You use the custom button to combine two commands. That should get close enough for you to either figure it out or find it in the documentation.

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In the Sequence Editor, Use the Star button. Then select either twinkle or shimmer, and then select what you want it to do. Either fade up, fade down, or change intensity from 100% to ???.

Or go to TOOLS > CUSTOM SETTINGS and then you'll see your options.

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cool... thanks.. I will try that on a seq I was working on... 




I knew there was some way to do it I just had no idea how or where to start..

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