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I do not know with board to go CTB16PC kit. Or The CTB16KD a 16 channel Kit

I want good board with some good future update.and can do alost thing. You people who have experience, with board you buy and WHY .I looking to buy 4 boards for now, maybe more before next winter. I buy Over 6000 light, this year for next year, plus what I have before .I lives in Canada New Brunswick

What I know no one have some display like that I go to be first one .I want to put good setup and good board. ps My English writing is not very good because I French. sorry Thank Dan:D

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On the LOL Support page there is a list under "Product Matrix - Comparison of LOR Controller Features" which shows the differences. The main differences appears to be that the KD version has dials to set the unit ID switch while the PC version requires them to be set through the software.

Also, the KD version can be run in standalone. The PC version must be connected to a PC or a DC-MP3 card. (Note: You would need only one KD card for standalone. It could run the other units.)

There are subtle differences in power capacities depending on the heat sinks used.

Make sure you are comparing equvalent versions. They each have options with varying levels of assembly requird.

I'm providing this infornation based on my reading on these sites. I haven't gone animated yet. As for me, I plan to go with the PC versions. I don't think the standalone capacity of a KD would be enough for a full show. I'll use a dedicated PC instead or possibly a DC-MP3.

Lastly, you can also ask this question on the PlanetChristmas web site forum. It's another great site for information.

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I have built and used both kits (six CTB16KD kits last year and four CTB16PC kits this year). Both are very easy to assemble and I have had no problems with either type board. They are pretty comparable to each other with minor differences. That said, I try to use the CTB16KD boards (with large heat sinks) to run parts of the display that have larger loads, mainly incandescent lights, since they can handle 20 amps. I use the CTB16PC boards with the small heatsinks to run mostly LEDs. Since LEDs use so much less amperage, I decided to save some money and not get the large heat sinks.

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Thank for reply I buy CTB16PC and software for tryout ,if is ok. I looking 5 more board .I buy for 400 dollar's on light mini light DEL C6 etc...50%off Super valeur store.I go to be really for my first slow on xtam camping this summer:]:]

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