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Can't find Come Little Children/Garden of Magic/Sarah's theme anywhere....


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It seems that the song didn't make it to the official  Hocus Pocus soundtrack release from Disney.  Anyone have this sequence or even just the audio?



Edited by Dcroc
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Bill, It wasn't on the ORIGINAL Sountrack Release when I sequenced this song back in 2010!

I had to create one from the actual DVD movie, which is much shorter than the version you posted.


Believe my version from the DVD is only 51 seconds long, but that also includes a vocal Witch Intro I added to the beginning of the song.   So it makes for a great startup or intro sequence, but I use it as one of the songs in my display.

Glad to see Disney FINALLY added it to the Original Soundtrack from Hocus Pocus{actually saw many folks complaining a few years back that it wasn't on the soundtrack!}, because like stated initially it WAS NOT there!  I have the CD Soundtrack somewhere around here that I bought, and that song was not on it!


Now I'm going to have go and get the full version!

Edited by Orville
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