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Check out the LOR Sotware II forum. A number of us are using it this season.

It has many new features that help with sequencing. And it's set up so you can ignore the new power and pretty much treat it as a nicer LOR I, or dig in to some of the powerful new features (like multiple tracks) and really make sequencing easier.

LOR II is now S2...


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Tim is so right!! I only have a small number of sequences this year. But I can tell from the few that I have used S2 for that I will have more free time to work on new ones. I was pleasently surprised by how familiar the software looked and operated.


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What Jeff said. And what Tim said.

I highly recommend trying LOR2 out. It is a big advancement in features without a large learning curve. The only thing that will slow new users down at first, I think, is the new "tracks" concept.

Go for it. 2.0.12 is pretty darned great in my opinion.


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