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Schedule Editor Suggestion


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Please excuse me if any of this is already an option and I don't know how to do them, but...


I would love to schedule editor to be a little smarter about time. If I schedule a 30 minute show to run 6:00-6:30, I don't want the show to start over through the first sequence again if I am 1 second off in my time math. That just seems crazy. It would be nice to have an option to say run show X once at 6:00, run show Y once at 7:00, run show Z once at 8:00, etc., etc.


I would also love to have a "fill-in" option. Meaning I could set a time frame that is something like from 6:00-10:00 when a primary show is not running, please run the secondary show. This would make it so much easier to have a few lights on during a show intermission.


I would love for it to be smarter about recurring shows and recognizing them. I can schedule a show to run 6:00-6:30 and check all the days. But If want to change anything I need to do it for each day, rather than just edit a recurring schedule.


These things are just thoughts that would be handy as I work on setting my schedule, but not exactly complaints.




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The shows will loop until the end time is reached. At that point the current song will finish and shutdown will follow. If an animation sequence is playing at the show end time the show will shut down exactly on time.

You can add a couple seconds between sequences to get that last song past the end time. You can add a show with only animation sequence(s) to run between the end of the first show and the beginning of the next one. (Which will also give you those lights on between musical shows) Or you can add an animation sequence to run following the end of the last song and before the show end time.

I'll let someone from LOR explain the reasons for why their stuff works the way it does.

My advice, even though you didn't ask, is to not sweat the small stuff. No one on the planet except you cares if a show ends precisely at 7:30 PM or if it ends at 7:31:25 PM. Nor do they care if the next one begins exactly at 8 PM. When someone drives up to your house they'll either see a musical sequence playing or they won't. If none is playing and the viewer knows your schedule and knows for a fact it's worth waiting for, they might do that. If they DON'T know any of the above I'm guessing most will drive away totally underwhelmed and/or unhappy at having wasted their time finding your place. Just saying ...

Edited by George Simmons
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Thanks for the suggestions.


I run this type of format, rather than continual show all night long because I need to keep neighbors happy in order to keep my display. As long as neighbors are happy and people still get to see my display, it is a win in my mind.

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