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Lost power to cintroller


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Tonight I lost power to one of my controllers, after 2 weeks with no problems! I have 4 controllers and no problems with the other 3. the problem is with both sides, all channels - it has two cords and I checked the power outlets - no problem there. When I plug them in to other outlets the controller still does not have power. So it is definitely a controller issue not a breaker or electrical issue.

What are the chances that both fuses blew? The red status light is not on at all. This is weird because I had a fuse blow in another controller a few weeks ago and the status light was still on. If both fuses were blown (which seems really unlikely) would the red status like be out too? I only have one fuse and its too late to go to Home Depot or Lowes tonight, but tomorrow I was going to try and change both fuses. I just think it is odd that both would blow at the same time. Anyone think it could be something else??? Any ideas?

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The "right" fuse controls the boards circuitry, including the LED.

What has likely happend is that the RHS fuse blew and therefore took out the entire controller.


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