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Announcing The Frosty App


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With the click of one button, you can create a seperate LOR sequence for all of your mp3 files. Simply add this files to a show and schedule the show to play any time you would like. For example while your lights are not on, you now have control over your radio station and you can use LOR to do it.

The Frosty Suite applications, are in no way affiliated with LOR. I am simply a big fan and really enjoy their product and support. I have dropped the prices, the new Frosty App, is only $10.00 and the old Frosty Player 1.0 is now only $14.99.

Take a look at http://www.frostyplayer.com

Logan Moore
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Well it's technically not a new version of frosty player. This is called the Frosty App, it is created for use with LOR 2. What it does is you select a folder with a all of your mp3 files in it. You then select a folder to output the show sequences in.

When you hit generate sequence it creates blank sequence files with no effects or anything, its just the song playing.

You can then very easily add them into a show and schedule this show to play anytime your light show isnt on.

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OK Logan - how would I work the frosty player app with the sequence that runs throughout the day when the show is not running - basically I have a sequence that turns on my sign, star, Toys For Tots Train, and a few other items in the display so they run all night / all day until show time.


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Papa-LF wrote:

OK Logan - how would I work the frosty player app with the sequence that runs throughout the day when the show is not running - basically I have a sequence that turns on my sign, star, Toys For Tots Train, and a few other items in the display so they run all night / all day until show time.


Lowell -

I haven't used the new Frosty App, so I'm not sure this would work. But, couldn't you create an animation sequence that turns all those items on. You could put it the Background Section of your LOR show file. Just make sure that the sequences created by the Frosty App don't use any of those same channels. What do you think?

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Papa-LF wrote:

thats what we do now, wondering if new frosty will work with that?

Logan can correct me if I'm wrong, but Frosty just generates sequence files. You can then create the show however you like.

So I'm assuming this would work just fine.

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Frosty players online help does not work

I wish there was more of an explination before I spend my money on somthing that might not work for what I need.If it would start MP3's at the end the night and stop when the show begins then great. Even better if it would fade in between mp3

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