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Timming off while in Sequence Editor


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I am having trouble getting the sequence on target while in the sequence editor.

It appears the timing is off and not always consistent while in Play > Play Range > Visible Screen.

Once I build a portion of the sequence this way and run Play > Play Range > Full Screen the difference is very noticeable.

It seems to be if I play the same visible screen over and over and over..... it cause the issue to grow.

Also noticed the Play > Play Range > Selection is off as well.

I am running;

LOR 1.6.9

Pentium M 1.70 GHZ, 1535 MB RAM

Vista Home Premium



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What type audio file are you using, WAV or MP3? If using MP3, what is the bit rate? It should not be a variable rate, but set at 128. Both WAV and MP3 can be used, but seems there are less problems using the WAV format.

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It's MP3 at 320 kbps. Can I change it to 128? If so how. Do not know much about audio files.

I will try to find a WAV file and see if that does it.


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  • 3 years later...


Yes LOR needs to be MP3 or wav. For actual sequence construction I have heard it best to use Wav, you don't get the drift in time when you plan sections.


Get a program named Audacity and the LAME encoder. You can do a search and find them in google. Audaicty will allow you to re-encode the MP3 to 128K fixed bit rate.


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I use 320 mp3s. The issue is not the bit rate (unless you are using a mp3 director), but rather whether you encode the mp3 with variable bit rate, or constant bit rate.
Avoid the former, use the latter, and you should see the issue disappear!

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JHolmes wrote:

I take it we can't use AIFF? Must be Non-Variable MP3 or WAV?

While most use MP3 or WAV, the following audio file types are supported by LOR:

aif, aifc, aiff, mid, midi, mi, mp2, mp3, mpa, au, snd, wav, wma.

Video files supported are:

avi, mpe, mpeg, mpg, miv, asf, wm, wmv

From Bob in post #7 in this thread


EDIT: (searched on aiff)
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