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Per-Sequence Monitor Select


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Currently, if anyone wants to use video files with their sequence they can only select a single global monitor to display the video for EVERY sequence. I was hoping to use 2 different projectors (not at the same time) for different sequences (e.g. singing pumpkins on one projector and some other holographic effect with the other) ... Does anyone know any tricks to try and acheive this? I was thinking something along the lines of tricking the computer into thinking that the monitor you selected is now a different output so LOR still thinks it's using the same monitor but it really isn't ...


I find it odd that LOR did not make this a per-sequence setting and rather a global setting. My video card has like 8 outputs on it and can handle a ton of different video files.


It would be even nicer if LOR could support more then one video file per-sequence at a time as well ... I assume they don't do that because it would slow things down way too much

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Hi I've been working on that same problem I have two projectors one sequence I want to project in a wreath, on a different sequence  I want to projector on the house for video mapping .So  what I 've done so far I bought a manual VGA switch   check on amazon their cheap $15.00 or so   the switch can switch between two monitors  manually  I added one 12 volt relay to the switch ,the switch is always in position a for one projector  since I run some lor 12 volt dc boards I use one dc  channel  in the sequence I want to run on projector b to switch the A B switch when the sequence ends the 12 volt signal ends switching back to projector a.

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  • 2 months later...

What about a dual head to go? You can join the videos together in your editor and blackout one side to turn one off. Your PC thinks it is one screen but the Dual Head to Go splits the video in half and sends one side to each projector.

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