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3 channel mini trees


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i'm tryng to do some instant sequencing on my mini trees.  they are 3 color, 3 channel trees.  last year i had 2 color mini trees, and the instant sequnecer switched between the 2 colors.  but now that i've added a 3rd color (red, green and white), it will give me red and then green and white togther.  i have my visualizer set up corectly because in sequence editor i can program them individually.  can ss dfferentiante between the 3 channels/colors?  or do i need to go back to visualizer and split up the props then load in to ss (which to me sounds like a ton of work).  i read somewhere that the rapid fire button was more for regular light strands, but mine is greyed out.  is that available yet.  i'm using 4 ccr ver 3.12.2

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Superstar should be differentiating between the red, green, and white. It sounds like you have your visualization defined in the recommended way, that is, the red, green, and white should all be defined in one fixture.


Please email your visualization to brian@superstarlights.com and I will take a look at it. It sounds like a possible bug in 3.12.2


As for "rapid fire" it is available in the current S4 beta, but I need to make it do some better default settings for when you choose "rapid fire"

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