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Throwing GFI, but no lights controller runs coming on.

Dave Sanderson

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I spent most of the day digging through the snow and ice and isolationg and cleaning up the problems making nearly all my lights not work. Nearly have it, but can't figure out one controller. I can reset the GFI and it will stay engaged for about 30 seconds then trip again. (looping a program that has all the lights in the display on.) The weird part, you ask? When the GFI engages NONE of the lights for that controller come on. Yet the GFI trips. I did the same thing using Hardware Utility with the same result.

Any thoughts or insights?

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I had the same problem, and it turns out even when I thought I reset me GFI, the reset button was not pushed properly. I had to massage it into the right place. Then it would work. I will probably replace that GFI after the season is over.

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