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one channel dead

Leroy Valentin

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Baffled by this. I have two 16 channel units. unit one channel one will not light with any sequence. using hardware utility, it responds just fine. I have tried v1.6.15 v1.6.9 and no help

they ran fine for about a week then saturday nite, my computer(500mhz) siezed twice in 3 hours. rebuilt a 1000 mhz and moved my harddrive to it, reloaded xp pro, and lor software. and now i have this problem with one channel. Please, can anyone offer advice? thankyou Leroy Valentin

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Can you attach one of the sequence files to a post... I know you didn't change anything but if the channel is working in the hardware utility then it seems it must be something to do with the way the sequence is interacting with the software.

This channel fails to light both in the Sequence Editor and in the show player?

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if by resetting the controller, you mean powercycling, yes i have done that to both units

if there is a different resetting you are refering to, please explaine and i will go do that. thnax

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To reset the controller:

1. Power off.
2. Set the unit's id to 0.
3. Power on.
4. Power off.
5. Set the unit's id to the number you want.

If anyone knows a different way feel free to chime in.


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Leroy, I looked at your sequence.. Channel 1-01 is showing No device type selected under channel properties, and no unit, no circuit number. Check on your home copy. Some how during your move, you lost the configuration for 01-1. I reset your copy to show the correct device type and it seems to run fine now. Check the rest of your sequences too..

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