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Rotate Props

Ron Boyd

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Did I just not see it or did we lose the ability to rotate props in 4.0.20? I have a burst (spokes in the PE) that I need to rotate. In 4.0.16, maybe 4.0.14, and prior, I was able to rotate that prop.


Possible Bug in 4.0.20


Edit: I also noticed that a "Custom" Pixel prop will not migrate into the PE from a lms file. The 3 that I have are in red when the migrate dialogue appears. any reasoning for this or is it a bug?

Edited by Ron Boyd
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Sorry, should have put this in the release notes for 4.0.20. But anyway, here is what you need to know:


The numeric rotation entry did go away - it got replaced (visually) by the bulb settings. You can still rotate a prop by selecting it, then using the ctrl-LeftArrow and ctrl-RightArrow shortcuts. You can also use the Format > Rotation menu to rotate to 0, 90 left, or 90 right. Just as there are red handles to scale a prop, I intend to add a handle to rotate the prop interactively(similar to many drawing programs).


Also, note that Line and Bulb props cannot be rotated by any means (at least for now).


Good question!



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The custom pixel props in question was showing different channel #s. I haven't had a chance to check if I have a missing RGB channel. I will check both the PE and SE to see if one is missing that channel. I will report back here or create a bug report,but only if both match up in my configs.


Edit: See below comments.

Edited by Ron Boyd
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I have included a screen shot of my problem along with the sequence and the "LORPixelEditorData" file.


It appears to not be a custom model problem but a channel error.

  • "Spiral 02" is showing 150 channels in the PE and 147 channels in the SE
  • "Half Sphere" is showing 480 channels in the PE and 477 channels in the SE

I did a re-do to the sequence by copy and paste. I checked the SE both prior to re-do and after and it all seems to be correct. If you would take a peek and see if it's on my end or yours. I may well have missed something.




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Here's what I've done since my last post. 

  1. I added the matching Universe # and channels for these 2 props and deleted the old channels.
  2. Saved the channel config
  3. Created a new lms using the new saved config.
  4. Moved all effects, one line at a time until all effects were moved over to the new sequence
  5. Deleted the old sequence along with the files LOR creates with a new sequence, lsc, lsv, bak and the new lid and lpe. Zero files in the folder.
  6. Saved the new sequence in the folder 
  7. Opened the PE
  8. Opened the new sequence
  9. Attempted to migrate and the same exact thing happened, Spiral 02, PE channels 150, SE Channels 147. Half sphere, PE channels 480, SE channels 477 Delta=3 on both props


In the S4 Visualizer, this sequence plays as expected. All props are correct in amount of pixels drawn. Exports from Superstar are correct.


In my conclusion, these two RGB channels from 2 separate props are getting lost from the SE, through migration into the PE.


I can create an official bug report if needed, but it will have the exact same info as these threads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a problem with channel assignments on custom props. This is fixed in 4.0.28. Thanks for reporting it!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, should have put this in the release notes for 4.0.20. But anyway, here is what you need to know:


The numeric rotation entry did go away - it got replaced (visually) by the bulb settings. You can still rotate a prop by selecting it, then using the ctrl-LeftArrow and ctrl-RightArrow shortcuts. You can also use the Format > Rotation menu to rotate to 0, 90 left, or 90 right. Just as there are red handles to scale a prop, I intend to add a handle to rotate the prop interactively(similar to many drawing programs).


Also, note that Line and Bulb props cannot be rotated by any means (at least for now).


Good question!





In the next beta release, clicking on a prop in the preview design window will display a round red handle to the right of the prop which can be dragged to interactively rotate the prop.



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