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Converting Roof line to RGB


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Converting Roof line to RGB and have 3 peaks to go up and down. How can I go ahead and sequence this

without climbing up a 10-12 pitch roof to get an exact measurement? Lights wont arrive until June and want to go ahead and convert regular sequnces to RGBup channels. Last year was first year with Rgb (Pixel tree) and need advice on setting up channels to get on with sequencing.

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Try placing an object that you know the length of like a 2x4 by 8 feet or piece of PVC pipe by 10 feet. Then place the object on the roof. Then take a picture of the roof. Measure the object in the picture and use the object as a scale to measure the roof line. So if it takes (5) 8 foot 2x4s then the peak is 40 ft. Or take PVC pipe and couple the different pieces with couplings put together without glue and try scooting the pipe up the roofline.


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