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Jean Michel Jarre


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I am a big fan of Jean Michel Jarre and I think a lot of his stuff would lend itself well to being sequenced in Light-O-Rama.  Has anyone already sequenced any of his songs and would be willing to share them?


I will probably end up sequencing a couple of his songs myself this year, but can't decide which ones.  I love his stuff, but I don't think that any of them are particularly "Christmas-ish".  Any Jarre fans have some suggestions on which songs I should do?


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One of his songs is on my short possible/maybe list of songs to sequence. Oxygene Part 4



 I think a lot of his stuff would lend itself well to being sequenced in Light-O-Rama. 

In reading the Wikipedia page on him the opening paragraph says "Jean Michel Jarre (born Jean-Michel André Jarre; 24 August 1948) is a French composer, performer, and music producer. He is a pioneer in the electronic, ambient, and new-age genres, and known as an organiser of outdoor spectacles of his music featuring lights, laser displays, and fireworks" So yes I agree with you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Michel_Jarre


I really haven't listen to much of his stuff, but I have had the Oxygene Album (heh vinyl) since the mid 70's. It's good background music for the shop.


I'll look into some of his other stuff. What song(s) would you do?





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I sequenced Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygen2 about 6 years ago.  Didn't end up using it in any of my shows.

Your welcome to what I did sequence.



Edited by Frank Farmer
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The original Oxygene 1-6 of course is very good, and that's sort of his signature album, the one that got him noticed.  Many people have at least heard bits of it even though they probably didn't know who or what it was.  Pretty much the same thing can be said of Magnetic Fields, and that album is a bit more upbeat and 'bouncy'.  I think I might want to pick at least one song from that album.  I'm a big fan of Zoolook, it's my all time favorite album by any artist.  I'll also be the first to admit its rather weird and does not appeal to many people.  The newer Oxygene 7-13 is also very good, and again more upbeat and bouncy than the first one, so I was thinking of a song from that album.  Rendezvous, Chronology, and Metamorphoses also have many good songs.  I tend to listen to entire albums at a time though, so I haven't narrowed it down to any specific songs yet.  Almost all of his stuff would lend itself well to a light show (and for those of you not familiar with him, he is famous for HUGE outdoor concerts in Europe, in the cities, lots of lights, lasers, fireworks, and using the downtown buildings as props).


He has never released any Christmas music, and so I was trying to decide which songs of his at least felt sort of Christmas-like.


On a side note, I just found "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by Kraftwerk!  Definately gonna have to sequence that one!


Thanks Frank for the Oxygene sequence!

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